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Assasin Rich

Ex FIB Deputy Director | Ex SAHP UnderSheriff
Sep 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Shubh Kumar
2. Your age : 19 IRL
3. Time zone : 5:30+GMT (India)
4. Average online per day : 5-8 hrs
5. Your Discord : Assasin OPS#4515
6. Your Nickname : Assasin Rich
7. ID : 4506

Additional information

Leader of SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

I wanna be leader of SAHP because i have a good experience in SAHP as well as all legal orgs. I have worked with Elon Moose ( former leader) as assistant sheriff and i have performed my duty very faithfully with no strikes. SAHP is a org which i can relate to and can be a best sheriff for it as per experience.

I think, SAHP was best leaded by Steve Dash and i wanna maintain same activity within the org. Some things that i noticed in a term was SAHP are the most, who are taken as hostage and i wanna control it as, it uses a lot of org balance and also somewhere demotes our org's respect and power.

I have seen that many hardworking people are their in the orgs but no one see's there hardwork, so i wanna give them what they need and just not distributing ranks to everyone whether he deservers or not. Ranks will be only given on basis of activity,attending events,managing org and being respectful to other leo's.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

As per for improving the roleplay, i will do make sure that SAHP is active and attending all the things and doing patrolling all day to decrease the crime rate in the city.

I will also make sure that not all people stand at HQ's for insurance and they must do their respective work and if not, they will recieve strikes by Interal Affairs.

Favouritism will be managed greatly as i have discussed in my above point and anyone who tries to do favouritims will be fired as well as blacklisted from org

The HR team will work very hardly to train the new trainees and they will also get a huge bonus for that. As training agents is very important as they are the future of the city.

Rank System

30) Sheriff
29) Undersheriff
28) Assistant Sheriff
27) Chief of Staff
26) Chief of Division
25) Deputy Chief of Division
24) Commissioner

23) Gang Unit
22) Deputy Commissioner
21) Assistant Comissioner
20) Supervisor
19) District Attorney
18) Major
17) Captain
16) Major Lieutenant
15) Lieutenant
14) Senior Investigator
13) Investigator
12) Master Sergeant
11) Staff Sergeant
10) Sergeant

9) Corporal III
8) Corporal II
7) Corporal I
6) State Trooper
5) Officer III
4) Officer II
3) Officer I
2) Cadet |
1) Suspended

Departments in my leadership

1. Human Resource (HR)
2. Internal Affairs (IA)
3. Special weapons and tactics (SWAT)
4. HIghway patrol (HWP)

5. Public Relations (PR)

Thanking you,
Assasin Rich
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