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Bulkk Bogan

Dec 14, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Piyush Joshi
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day - 6-7
5. Your Discord - Creativebldr#1111
6. Your Nickname - Dhruva Kaizen
7. Your ID - 213164

Leader of LifeInvader

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

  • I have been the Deputy Leader of LI for 2 terms but had to leave in the second due personal problems. I am very passionate about LifeInvader and would give all that I have for it to reach its full potential. I have created a strong bond with almost everyone which I think is crucial as it is important for a leader to have strong bonds with their team members to ensure proper running of the org. I used to identify as "Bulk Bogan" before.

  • One of my best qualities is my kind and calm nature which allows me to stay calm under high pressure situations. I believe as a leader its crucial to lead by example and maintain a friendly and positive attitude, even in difficult circumstances, which will help in the running in this organization. Overall, my experience, knowledge, and personal qualities make me confident that I can lead this organization to achieve its goals and continue to thrive in the future.

  • Another strong quality of mine is that I look at my team members' problems by putting myself into their shoes that would make me a good leader and not a boss. I believe that I can communicate with my team members and High command team to ensure smooth running of the organization. I am also aware of the rules and regulations of the city and organization

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

  • First of all to counter the problem of no one answering when a citizen calls for staff at the reception, I will have a High command stand at the reception in case any citizen needs any assistance every day and they will receive a special bonus for help they provide which will ensure that all problems of the citizens are properly resolved.

  • I will continue to encourage open communication among my team members to see if they have any other ideas to help LI to reach its full potential. And also host fun regular internal events to ensure that my team members do not get bored by just ads. I would appoint skilled and experienced people to the position of the Head of events and Head of news departments.

  • Once the Interns reach the position of Junior they will be required to give another test in which they need to get 6/7 correct answers to ensure proper knowledge about the format of ads. I will also be reviewing the existing test questions of the current supervisors so that they could properly test the trainees skills and knowledge.

  • I would try to increase the collaboration with other state organizations and create more events with them. I believe if all the state orgs come in collaboration it would help the city run really smoothly.

  • Seniors can shadow the new comers, they will be guiding them throughout the first day on editing ads and teeching the proper use of the PDA and assisting them with any queries they have.

  • If an employee of the news department goes to take an interview of any other organization they will be required a certain vest as alot of the employees go to other orgs and try to troll their employees waste their time.

Thank you for reviewing my application. I really look forward to get the opportunity of becoming the leader of such a wonderful organization. I will devote myself fully to the org.

Anis Kaizen

Feb 19, 2023
Full Side from my side ++++
Hard Work always leads to success.
Your hard work will never go to waste.

Anis Kaizen

Feb 19, 2023
Full Support from my side ++++
Hard Work always leads to success.
Your hard work will never go to waste.

Asuna ken

Mar 20, 2022

Leader interview will be at 23-04-2023 at 17:30 ST. Good Luck :)
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