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Lizi Verlice

Dec 20, 2021
name: Lizi Verlice
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Nationality: Georgian
Sexuality: Bisexual
Place of Birth: New York
Residence: Los Santos
Parents: Rihanna, Jamie
Weight: 75 KG
Height: 185 CM
Natural Eye Color: Light blue
Natural Hair Color: Grey

Life growing up
Lizi was always in some kind of trouble because of their parents her dad was a drug addict and her mother was a Stripper, They always fought and had some kind of abuse over Lizi so She decided to run away to a different city where she found horrible friend group who was associated with gangs, drug dealing, cartel, human trafficking, and all sorts of criminal activity. Lizi grew up very rich since she was doing all the necessary stuff for the gang and the cartel they paid her a lot of money doing their dirty job once she grew up being a teenager the leader of the gang and the cartel were thinking of letting her take over in a few years and that's exactly what she did
she took over of the biggest gang in the city she was attacking NG bases, kidnaping generals, politicians, governors, officers, all of this was blowing up in the social media's people were amazed of how easy she was operating the gang and how easy it was for her to make a plan and kidnap straight away she used one of the most used places to import drugs "Slaughter House" many FIB agents and the fib director himself was not happy about this he was getting very mad about how weak the security of the city was so they started getting raid evidence on them and soon enough they raided her. Once the raid was over she was very frustrated because she was currently visiting her friends over in Mexico once she heard about it she rushed back into the USA got the remaining people and attacked even harder. and there it was The general and the deputy governor was kidnapped at the SAME time the FIB was confused looking for answers they were also mad both the general and the deputy governor were killed in the situation because she wanted them to feel the same that she felt when FIB slaughtered her people right after that with the previous raid evidence they went back to Lizis HQ and raided them again and she was the only one that survived from there

Lizis first job

After escaping the FIB she ran and hid for a couple of months once she got out of hiding she started getting a new profile new documents new passport new identity so she could join LSPD and sabotage from the inside since all of their men were slaughtered by FIB. She was hired she never expected that to happen but it happened she had previously learned how LSPD works their radio codes penal codes and all other stuff and she also faked her documents about being in Law training school with TOP grades once the LSPD heard that they hired her instantly soon enough she rose thru the ranks and became LSPD commissioners top trusted women and that's when he decided to make her deputy commissioner it was a very interesting sight from her because she never expected any of this to happen.

Lizis Future goals
Lizis main goal in LSPD is to sabotage the whole LEO orgs because of what they did to her, Sell information to other gangs, mafias, cartels,
be corrupt and so on

Outcomes I would like
Lizi has a secret camera in her glasses that is always running and a listening device on a secret button in her bra always running.
Lizi Can do some things that bend the rules to pretend she has more evidence than he has to in order to try and get someone to confess she can say that she had evidence on people while interrogating but in reality she does not have anything on them.
Lizi will be able to go into the Ghetto off duty and do whatever she wants in the ghetto.
Lizi is allowed to take some bribes (up to 20,000k)
Lizi can do anything illegal/legal that benefits herself financially. (Would only do if there is a small chance of being caught).
Lizis leadership of a gang helped her to not feel fear and to overcome two even three people at once without showing any fear.
Lizi can sell information about gangs such as if there is a raid,
Lizi can get herself kidnapped and take a cut from the gang doing the kidnapping.
Lizi can make criminals drop their guns and keep them to herself (if there is no one watching)
Lizi can torture people for information (if there is no one watching)

(I would like to get all of these outcomes accepted because I will use them all in really good RP something that the server has never seen)
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Jonathan Thomas

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
Jun 28, 2021
This Bio is Approved
Outcome 6: This outcome can only work with 2v1 not 3v1
Outcome 10: Use the correct commands for this like, /me /do /try commands
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