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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Papa Tyrik
Administrators nickname
Sunil Reddiee
May 11, 2023

Tyrik Verlice

Clarko : Tyrik you the best and im sorry.
Dec 31, 2022
Hello Bobby,

Sorry i have to make this forum...its really childish that i am being targeted by Sunil and some other admins who keep muting me and mandem.(I would like make it clear that i am not accusing Him/them 100% but this is what it looks and feels).

I dont really know Sunil like that so i have no reason to hate him or anything. I really appreciate how Andy Lemon handles such situations hes calm and collected and he will talk to you about it.

The club chat is for club topics which i understand and maintain but even admin such as Sunil Reddiee leaves a bad impression sometimes as he also goes off topic and talks to players and other admins on there. They make odd jokes here and there. I appreciate it in some levels but again rules are rules and if they are going to police it then they should do it properly.

Today some people on CC was being racist towards our fam member and was provoking us. I responded back to it which i dont really see "Provoking" as i am the one being provoked. I was muted by Sunil Reddiee faster than light and when i took to admin ticket and expressed my perspective kindly i was told to come to forums for such a small thing "mute". Bare in mind those provoking and being racist was not punished and i made sure to point that out to Sunil.

This isnt the first time that sunil has done this...when north india after a raid was provoking and we answered back the mandem family was muted and the north india was not. even-though they provoked and we answered.

Our fam has been disqualified multiple times in fam war and i personally have taken time out of my IRL tasks to make sure i attend the event and help my family. The joy of winning the fam war hits different and when you get disqualified because of some individuals and then get mocked and provoked doesnt feel good hence why i answered back to that comment on cc.

Within this forum i would like you to have a talk to Sunil with such matter and why he thinks punishing me and not those who provoked and being racist was okay. i would also like to be unmuted but it if the mute is till in works if not then please sort this out as i would not want to play with a admin targeting me if this is the case.

Thanks Bobby hope you are having a good day and again i appreciate you reading this.


Floki Vilgeroarson

New to this
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 19, 2021
Other player who was provoking was also muted, if a player is breaking rules it doesn't mean you can break rules so next time just report the player.
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