Hello, This is on behalf of Both GOV curators. We disbanded you simply because of Leader Incompetence, and this decision was also backed by Senior State Curators Approval.
There were many and Many times where we had to push you to increase your org activity, and push you to to have members on duty and in the organisation. Through ORG Warnings, Forcing you to host countless Recruitments. We even Shortened the Gate Keeping Time so members didn’t have to stand overnight which you should’ve taken advantage of!
Government was unable to handle the simplest of RP scenarios, such as even a Peaceful Protest Admins had to intervene, and the most important, Department of Justice was barely even there, No AG / SCJ, how will anything be able to function properly.
To add to this matter we even allowed you to take a 1 WEEK LOA. Which is unbelievable for someone who sits at the forefront of the entire city as Government, and although the organisation was already severely inactive, you decided to ask us for more LOA days? In which universe can that even make sense..
We gave you ENOUGH time and deadlines, and we decided no more chances should be given.
Your organisation failed to meet State Rules: 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.12 / 2.13 / 1.20 / 1.21
Will hand this over to Senior Administration To Decide.