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Frank DeGrey

May 6, 2022
Organization: SAHP

Name: Lily Sherpherd
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, CA
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: None
Strengths: Good Leadership qualities and Follows Directions, a good shot and great genes.
Weakness: Pretty Impatient, asthmatic

Life Story: Lily was born into a world of chaos, her mom was dead at birth and her father killed himself 7 years later due to the mourning of his wife's death. Lily was left alone moving from foster houses to the streets, she had found a family finally inside of Bloods. she had made a lot of money and gained a lot of street cred due to being such a gangster. She then made a friend by the name of Tobi Blixky and she had watched him do his job as an SAHP as a S.W.A.T unit, he had actually busted Lily for having drugs on her before and Lily had given him information about the Blood Street Gang to get away from being processed. After awhile Bloods had found out that lily was a rat with the feds so the jumped her out of the gang. With nothing left lily turned to Tobi for help and Tobi had taken her into SAHP

Career Story: Once lily joined SAHP she had to start at the very bottom, but had help from Tobi with helping everything. She first had to learn the ways to act professional, then had to learn how to process a 10-15, after that she had to do process an actual 10-15 from a store robbery. That person ended up being someone lily knew from Bloods and Lily still had her roots inside of the gang so she decided to let the person go for intel on the bloods to help the current SAHP leader Sam Shepherd in evidence to send to FIB. After a few weeks Lily rose up the ranks of SAHP and gained the trust of Sam and was given the chance to become his Undersheriff. Lily through the weeks got so many pieces of evidence through the bloods on other gangs.

1 Lily can help suspects/unconsciouses escape jail (darknet) or from custody, take bribes and weapons (Up to 100k in USD, weapons, ammo, armor and drugs), reduce their sentence, and remove them from the wanted list.

2 Lily can use truth serum to get people to tell the truth. (Using /try max of 2 times each person per situation)

3 Lily can buy and sell via the black market. She can also use all illegal items from black market and the Dark Net. (No sale of anything from Org.)

4 Lily can do illegal activities due to her criminal past. (Ghetto, Robbing, Illegal actions from G Menu can do off duty, the rest can do on duty, Not against LEOs)

5 Lily can destroy people's bodycams, and any other footage material like saved SSD's. (Using /try destroys bodycam and /try destroys footage. Max 2 times each person per situation.)

6 Lily can break IC laws constantly and use her position within the SAHP to her advantage (Updated Legislation from Grand RP discord)

7 Lily can refuse to show her ID.

8 Lily can plant incriminating evidence like prohibited items on individuals and give them fake charges. (No UB.)

9 Lily can lie when asked for her bodycam, claiming she was off duty at the time. (If there is IC proof, there will be IC punishment.)

10 Lily can decide to execute a suspect in cuffs if deemed necessary to save SAHP or her position within SAHP. This can only be done if no bribe in the form of money has been given/taken. When this happens, the suspect must obey NLR rules, and forget about the situation. (Must be done RPly and no UB!)
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