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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Sunil reddiee
Administrators nickname
Alex May
Jun 16, 2023
https://imgur.com/pvLgurS, https://imgur.com/oxAnx0U

Sunil Reddiee

Oct 21, 2022
Saying small brains is toxic to this admin somehow.
This is a 18+ game and not to forget this is an RP server. We cannot expect everyone to the nice guy all the time.
Toxic will be there and upto a certain limit its allowed. If that goes to an extent of provoking or causing conflict then the players should be punished.
I dont think some admins know proper english.
When there is a racists comments made and we make a ticket they answer us we missed it every single time. 95% of the admins are in Street racers CC and how can every single admin miss them?

I recently got my reputation damaged by Julio Misfit by muting me 2 times for no reason and issuing a ban for no reason back to back in span of 3 mins.
He banned me for Gen 3.1 for a week for saying " I am not gay " in CC. which is in no way a OOC insult. If i had said " You are gay " then it would have been Gen 3.1 and as an ex admin i would understand the punishment. I appealed it and got unbanned but i got replied as not to repeat this behaviour when i did not do anything wrong.
The admin should have been punished for it for issuing bans for no reason.

I request you to please take actions against admins who are issuing punishments for no reason.

Here are the proofs of what happened exactly leading to my mute.
1) 2) in the 2nd SS when everyone was provoking me, i guess admin didnt see them.
3) How does this be considered as toxicity? So if a gang member says i will fuck you up, shut the fuck up bitch, u pussy or what ever... why is that not toxicity or provoking? and why are gangs not getting muted or org warnings when they are provoking LEOs all the time in CC? clearly they are biased.
How is saying small brains considered toxicity i am not able to figure out.
4) And why are these players not punished for mocking when i got punished? Maybe Mr. Alex May missed to see those or he might have switched to other CC.

And when i said " see you soon mate. i hope you will get some english lessons and stop muting people for the things you dont know the meaning of " Raymond decides to ban me.
I remember one time Adham saying "a report mute will do the work, why did you ban" for similar reason.
Please review the admins actions for giving wrong punishments and request you to take actions against admins accordingly.

Floki Vilgeroarson

New to this
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 19, 2021
If a player broke a rule report them In-game and if it was missed report them on forum, Only full screenshots are accepted, and message you sent is Toxic which led to the punishment, as for the general rule 5.3 it is also correct as you made multiple tickets related to the punishment and also provoked the admins on there
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