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Kushal Wibowo

Aug 21, 2022
  1. Your name IRL - Kushal Shukla
  2. Your age - 19
  3. Time zone - GMT + 5:30 (IST)
  4. Average online per day - 8-9 hours
  5. Your Discord - kushalshukla
  6. Your Nickname - Kushal Northx
  7. Your ID - 467
Additional information
  1. Leader of MARABUNTA
  2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
--> I have a lot of experience in illegal organization. I have been as both legal and illegal org Hc's and Deputy. That's why with my experience I Want to Lead a Gang.

--> With my experience I will do events like store robberies, Fort zancudo Raids on regular basis that will encourage everyone to be a part and enjoy the time in the gang.

--> if I got it my friends and family members going to join Marabunta I will focus on gang events and I will take control of it like Clandestine, Battleship, Submarine, Vehicle theft, Gang turfs and Store Robbery.

3.Your advice for improving Role Play level in the organization.

--> I will give regular rank ups after every week (Like legal orgs a rank up ceremony)

--> Regular profits and bonus that will encourage them to be more active and make Rp at his peak.

--> Extra Bonus For people who attend events
Ex: 1 parashute in clands (15k bonus), Attending BS (10k Bonus), Attending Store robberies (10k Bonus), Attending Fz (10k Bonus), Attending Submarine (15k Bonus) Giving Bonuses will inspire them to join events and get Bonus.

--> Instead of Ranking down Anyone in a hurry will introduce a strike system where: -
1 - Strike (if he does any rule break)

2 - Blacklist from Org (If the guy receives more than 3 Strikes)



May 25, 2023
  1. Your name IRL - Kushal Shukla
  2. Your age - 19
  3. Time zone - GMT + 5:30 (IST)
  4. Average online per day - 8-9 hours
  5. Your Discord - kushalshukla
  6. Your Nickname - Kushal Northx
  7. Your ID - 467
Additional information
  1. Leader of MARABUNTA
  2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
--> I have a lot of experience in illegal organization. I have been as both legal and illegal org Hc's and Deputy. That's why with my experience I Want to Lead a Gang.

--> With my experience I will do events like store robberies, Fort zancudo Raids on regular basis that will encourage everyone to be a part and enjoy the time in the gang.

--> if I got it my friends and family members going to join Marabunta I will focus on gang events and I will take control of it like Clandestine, Battleship, Submarine, Vehicle theft, Gang turfs and Store Robbery.

3.Your advice for improving Role Play level in the organization.

--> I will give regular rank ups after every week (Like legal orgs a rank up ceremony)

--> Regular profits and bonus that will encourage them to be more active and make Rp at his peak.

--> Extra Bonus For people who attend events
Ex: 1 parashute in clands (15k bonus), Attending BS (10k Bonus), Attending Store robberies (10k Bonus), Attending Fz (10k Bonus), Attending Submarine (15k Bonus) Giving Bonuses will inspire them to join events and get Bonus.

--> Instead of Ranking down Anyone in a hurry will introduce a strike system where: -
1 - Strike (if he does any rule break)

2 - Blacklist from Org (If the guy receives more than 3 Strikes)

Best Leader

Lahari Reddie

Jun 27, 2022
On consideration

You have been selected for Marabunta Leader interview!

The interview will take place Wednesday 28/06/2023 at 15:00 ST
Please be in the waiting room 15 minutes in advance.
Contact Me "Laharika" or iam_naveed any questions about interview.​
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