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May 13, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Sourish Dubey
2. Your age: 18
3. Time Zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average Online per day : 5-6 hour
5.Your Discord: Chopper#6969
6.Your Nickname: Elite Salvador
7.Your ID: 12343
Additional information
1.Leader of ….. National Guard

2.Why do you want to be leader of this specific organisation?

I have been part of National Guard for more then 7 terms. I have mostly been in state organisation and have been hc in all state orgs and i think now i have enough experience to run an organisation. During the past ng terms I have seen that the org was very inactive in its raid hours and was unable to do ammo runs for other organisations due to lack of units.

I will make sure that the org is not only active in its raid hours but also active at non raid hours and ammo runs will be done for all the orgs time to time so that they dont run out of ammo.All the departments will be given to units who are highly experienced and know how to keep the department active at all times.Recruitment Retention department will be very focused on as it is the one of the main department in National Guard that will help keep the org alive.I will make sure that gates are always covered in its raid time.Units who do their work properly will be given a lot of bonus and promotion so that everyone gets motivated to come on duty.I will do regular combat training and many other activities so that the units doesn’t get bored in the organisation.

I have been HC in all legal Orgs so I know to deal with internal Issues of the organisation.Units who do not follow the rule will be punished by giving them verbal , strike or even blacklist if the problem is very huge and serious.All Hc ranks will be given to units who are experienced and can handle any situation and conduct any operations calmly and with ez. I will make sure that hc ranks are given to units who deserve rather than any rank chasers and will make sure that no corruption is going on within the the organisation.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organisation

Military Police will do bgc check , licences check and bodycam inspection so that everyone has their bodycam turned on.

Favouritism wont be tolerated within the org and all hc ranks and departments heads rank will be given by me after taking their test if they are really fit for that rank or not

Org hoppers will not be hired in the org as they destroy the pure rp



Ranking System :

=== General Officers ===
30) General
29) LT. General
28) Major General
=== Commissioned Officers ===
27) Colonel
26) Lt. Colonel
25) TF-141
24) Commander
23) 1st Lieutenant
22) 2nd Lieutenant
=== Non-Commissioned Officers ===
21) Command Sergeant Major
20) Sergeant Major
19) 1st Sergeant
18) Master Gunnery Sergeant
17) Master Sergeant
16) Platoon Sergeant
15) Sergeant 1st Class
14) Gunnery Sergeant
13) Staff Sergeant
12) Sergeant
=== Enlisted Personnel ===
11) Corporal 1st Class
10) Corporal
9) Specialist II
8) Specialist I
7) Lance Corporal
6) Private 1st Class
5) Private IIl
4) Private ll
3) Private
2) Recruit
1) Suspended
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