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Rejected Family Business Scam (La Familia) | ID 133326

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Your ID
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Danny Spooky
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Jun 26, 2023
Time of violation


Apr 18, 2022
To Senior Admins,

I am reporting a major breach of trust and scam by my friend and the Owner of La Familia family (Charlie Russo 133326)

I met Charlie the first time, when I purchased the house 580 from him on 16th November 2022.
After which we both kept in touch and became acquainted.
Our next meeting happened when Mythic Demon was selling his 20 bed Mandarin plantation 25th November 2022.
I joined Charlie's family, trusting him and purchased it using my own money 90m and we decided to share the profits 50/50, where he paid the people who will work on the plantation and the purchase of seeds.

I left the family and took the business along with me on 15th December 2022 I moved to the family Night Ravens, as I was going to take a short break and wasn't sure that the business will be properly looked after. I lost the business still.
I also had an oil well which I then lost.

I then got the same plantation back at the auction for 68m on 20th February 2023.
I then got the oil well for 26m in auction on 18th March 2023.

Note: All purchases were made with my money 100%

On 1st of May 2023 Ozzie Russo 107243 one of the deputies in Charlie's family approached me on discord asking me to join back to La Familia, I was reluctant as I had 2 businesses with me.
We discussed over a period of time, on how the businesses operate and what the profit sharing will be like.
I was also consulting with Dead Mage 297569 who is the leader of the Mage family at that time. I wanted to move there, but they already had an oil well, so I decided against.(Proof attached)

Ozzie was genuine and didn't ask for much in return, as he mainly wanted the family points the business gave.
It was decided that I would keep 90% of the profits and the remaining would be given to the family members.

I transferred the 2 businesses(Plantation and Oil well) to Ozzie and then moved to the family on 12th May 2023.

Everything was going good, as everyone was aware that I owned the 2 businesses and managing it alone, took help sometimes from Ozzie. But mostly I was managing it on my own.

Later Gio Bloodline 226185 brought his entire family Bloodlines and merged with La Familia. He also knows that the businesses were mine and that I was managing them.
On 15th June 2023, the 2 families separated due to some differences and I stayed with La Familia, under the assurance from Charlie that my businesses will be safe.

On 25th June 2023 I purchased the cowshed business for 270m.
Note : All these 3 businesses were paid fully by me and not a single $ was borrowed from Charlie or any family member and everyone is aware that the ownership of these business is mine.

Over the time, I got people from the family to help me manage the plantation and cowshed, namely Hope Mikaelson 290405, Kira Sai 227403, Robert Stinker 293523 and Kakoun Million 291989

I have been paying them regularly for their services.

The family had no other source of income, so during raids it was my earnings that were being lost regularly, I took that hit as that is part of being in the family.
Whenever they asked I was willing to help. I stayed with the family through thick and thin, all because of loyalty, trust and the security they gave me and my businesses.

The problem started yesterday, when out of the blue, Charlie mentions to sell the family businesses. Stating that I am breaking General Rule 6.22
6.22 It is forbidden to sell/buy family businesses or withdraw/deposit money on/from fam balance without fam leaders approval, as well taking from warehouse and family cars (It falls under rule of scam 1.3)

This made no sense to me, as I owned these businesses and I was the 2nd in command (President Rank) in the family, so that makes me one of the fam leaders.
I was the one who stocked the Heli with seeds (which I purchased with my own money), In short the family and Charlie didn't spend a single penny on these businesses either in the purchase or managing of them.
Before doing this, he was sly enough to remove my permission to buy/sell family businesses.

He has clearly mentioned to me on chat that he will be selling my businesses (Proof attached) and is now threatening me to raise a case of Gen 1.3 on me, stating that I didn't share the profits with the family. This makes no sense, as he is fully aware that I paid for the businesses in full, no one else contributed and was only paying the people who were helping with managing the business and keeping the rest of the profits with me.
He is basically lying and trying to cheat me out of my businesses, which are worth over 400m at the current market price. I don't want to mention others, as I don't have any proof, but it feels as a clearly planned move with other HC to take my businesses and sell it off for themselves under the guise of helping the family.
He is no longer replying to me.
If he has any issues with me taking 100% profits, please allow me to take the 3 businesses and leave. Simple!

If he wants to bring any family business of his own, I would be happy to leave with my businesses without any issues.

I don't know what you will be deciding upon, or what the outcome will be of this thread.
All I want is to leave this family with my dignity and the businesses that I paid for intact, as I surely don't want him to sell off my businesses or enjoy the benefits of them.

Sir, kindly investigate these claims of mine, if there is any issue or concern you can message me on discord @dannyspooky

I have mentioned the relevant dates so that you can check the logs and that you may have a clear timeline.

I have attached screenshots of my chats with Charlie, Deadmanwalkn and Ozzie as proof.

Deadman Mage

Leader of unofficial org
Apr 26, 2022
I can attest that Danny Spooky had these business's before joining any family. We had discussions about Danny moving over to Mage family and bringing HIS businesses with him. From what we discussed, the businesses would always be his and the profits his except for what he would pay out family members to help maintain them using supplies Danny would provide. Unfortunately, Mage already owned an oil well so Danny was going to have to find a solution for the oil well.

As Danny is a great guy, he has many friends in city and his solution was to move HIS businesses to La Familia with the same arrangement Danny and I had talked about. If Charlie is so upset that Danny is receiving the profits, minus what he pays La Familia members to help maintain, Charlie should let Danny leave with HIS businesses to Mage where he will be given the respect and fair treatment he more than deserves.

I don't know Charlie, but I have known Danny for about a year. I can't seem to grasp why Charlie would think its ok to sell DANNY's businesses other than pure greed and thinking the admins will back his, what appears to be scam.

If admins would like to further discuss with me, the arrangement Danny and I spoke about before he joined any family with HIS businesses you can contact me via email @ Deadmanwalkn. I can provide screenshots of our entire discussions.
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Tommy Gold

Think like a millionaire, hustle like you're broke
May 15, 2022
Good day, I would like to express my thoughts on the forum regarding Danny's situation which I am leaving under this thread: I have observed that the forum filed by Charlie Russo is poorly orchestrated, and La Familia has disgraced itself by making it against Danny. It is important to note that Danny has invested 350m+ of his own money into family businesses that boosted their family's reputation and rankings, and therefore, he should keep primary caretaking of these businesses. This is simply common human courtesy. It is unfortunate that the leader and deputy have resorted to backstabbing and leeching what he has given them, which shows their true colours. Additionally, I have not seen any direct, legitimate violations of 6.22 or subsequently 1.3 in the proofs that the leader or deputy of the other forum have provided against Danny (instead the reverse). As a person who respected the family's former name I find it shameful that they have dragged this name through the mud. I implore Charlie to make amends and give Danny what is rightfully his, or the family will go down in EN1 history as the family who has done nothing for itself but steal the assets it has. If a resolve is not met between the two parties, independently, I request administration to serve as mediation to save a man's hard earned wealth

Tommy Gold has spoken


Apr 18, 2022
I would like to inform that as of now, my rank has been reduced within the family so I have no logs to show, that I was the one adding the necessary items to run the plantation, cowshed and oil well (Mainly seeds to the family heli)
And yes I took the profits, as they are mine, and paid the 4 people who helped me manage the businesses.

Gio Bloodline

Founder Of Bloodline
Oct 15, 2022
I will also say that when my family bloodlines merged with La familia and I took leadership , Danny spooky was the one that had approached me about maintaining his businesses . When Charlie made the deal with me to merge he let me know he was leaving Danny at Deputy to collect his business profits . also everyone else in the family was getting paid by Danny for helping with his cowshed or helping with his plantation . I dont think its right that Danny Spooky has bought these businesses with his own money and the leader Charlie is abusing his power and making the decision to sell the business Danny grinded so hard for without even consulting with him , for his own personal use. Charlie is looking to profit almost $450 million dollars off of businesses that Danny Spooky paid for in full and Charlie didnt help with a dollar . I dont think thats fair at all .

Tomb Stone

Jun 8, 2023
This is completely wrong! I hope this is took in deep thought, considering this is not just a couple million dollars, we're talking about a half'a billion dollars!
I have also worked for Danny multiple times, everyone knew that he had bought the cowshed and plantation in the family! It was never even once ran under anybody else's supervision, but Danny's! He's the one who made the tutorial videos, he guided everybody to learn how to fertilize and nourish the crops, he's the one who was up all night to make sure logs are in correct order and format, he did all that himself, without any help from anyone! That half a billion dollars worth of businesses was funded by him only! I really hate to see this happening to someone who has only and always did good for everyone around him, Danny is a very well respected individual that many know, and I don't believe he has violated any rules, and there's plenty of proof to back that up!

Signed, Tomb Stone +++


Apr 18, 2022
Why are you guys trying to take charlies businesses ! I did work in the past with danny and he scammed me ! So what goes around comes around , never received a dollar for work and hard hours spent.
I don’t know you? Would you mind introducing yourself and telling me exactly what you allege that you did for me and that I didn’t pay you for? Could you please share a single shred of evidence to back your claim and I will pay you double no 10 times, for what I have done you wrong. But, if you are lying. Trust me when I say it. I believe and fear in God and He will do the needful.

Sita Ram bhakt

Aug 19, 2022
I don’t know you? Would you mind introducing yourself and telling me exactly what you allege that you did for me and that I didn’t pay you for? Could you please share a single shred of evidence to back your claim and I will pay you double no 10 times, for what I have done you wrong. But, if you are lying. Trust me when I say it. I believe in God and He will do the needful.
Danny has grinded a lot along with his brother Martin to buy the cowshed. It's completely his as he has paid fully for it without anyone's help. How can a brokie like a Charlie can even afford to buy such a expensive buisness. Charlie and his Charlie fam members are now trying to act as if they paid for the business and and can sell it anytime they want to.

I request the reviewing administrator to check the logs if Charlie has made 280m in his whole career to afford to buy that business and check who paid for the cowshed in actual.
Thanks a lot
Ram bhakt.

Hitesh datla

May 14, 2021
Hitesh Datla | 19822. I worked For Martin And his Brother for a long time and I met Martin like 1.5 years ago. and recently I used to nourish his houses every day and both of them used to pay me well by the end of the week. They are so trustworthy and I still don't believe they have done it. they are so kind and polite to me and helped me and also many people in every way they can. they are so hard-working and love this project. I hope they get their business back.

Thank you
Hitesh Datla

Benz Benzo

Apr 7, 2022
i will say some words to this Topic since the Report is Regarding our Family.
First of all, Nobody sold a Family Business! Nobody told Danny that we are gonna just sell Family Businesses like all of you are saying in this Thread even tho you guys dont know about the situation you are all making false accusations towards our Family. In my Opinion danny is telling you to write this here, fine feel free to publish the Thread again in your discord Servers like you did last time. Its a Forum Rule Break but yeah you guys obviously dont know, here you go:

FR 3. It is forbidden to create accounts to cheat likes and / or ask other users to like themselves.
FR 13. It is forbidden to publish deliberately false information that can mislead players, especially regarding the situation on the server.

As far as i know, got told by Admins from English Server 3 it is not even allowed to post a Reply below a Thread that has nothing to do with you, i dont know how it is handled here. but whatever.

Read the chat between charlie and Danny carefully. Charlie clearly said we need a solution for the Fam business and best would be if we just sell them since they are not helping the Family if a single Person takes all the Money. Also see the Text where he said that he would never sell a Fam Business without discussion! See in Proofs Link.
"Danny, you know me i would never sell the Familie Businesses without discussing it with my HC, the only Problem is that we need a better solution than the current one!"

Danny since you are claiming that these Family Businesses are your Personal ones and nobody from the Family has anything to say to them (See your own Chat with charlie in Proofs). If they have nothing to do with the Family i would like to ask why this rule here exists:

1.5 It is forbidden to have more than 1 business, including additional accounts. 1 person – 1 business. | Ban 30 days each account

Next i would like to regard to some of your Statements you made:
"This made no sense to me, as I owned these businesses and I was the 2nd in command (President Rank) in the family, so that makes me one of the fam leaders."

This is incorrect, nobody is a Family Leader Besides the Family Leader you can see in the Dashboards, f.e Ranking of Familys or Family overview. Even me as day 1 of this Family with highest Rank that helped building this fam up from scratch is not considered a Family Leader, its charlie and charlie only.

"Before doing this, he was sly enough to remove my permission to buy/sell family businesses."

i already stated this in the Last post you did, gladly i will copy/paste it to this Post aswell:

"We changed some Ranks yesterday, yes. We checked logs yesterday a lot of stuff happening behind our back that we were not aware of. Me as second Creator of this family does not have Deputy currently which was my Request to Charlie. It will stay like this until everything is figured out. As you know deputy is not selling or buying Family Business, it means "Full Access" to the family for everything that can be done and changed.

Since i didnt want Charlie to downrank you which would no be fair, i told him to remove it from the Rank in general which also includes my Deputy Premission."


Your Screenshots from Proof section with Chats are all from last year before you even left our Family. i would kindly ask you to provide the proofs from the auctual time when you joined in our Family and not some Screenshot from old chats.


Im Sorry that i have to say this now, i really didnt want to mention this danny but since you are accusing us and making a really bad picture for our Family i will say it. The moment we posted our Thread against you, you sold your gas station to someone, probably for a very low amount of Money and less than you offered it to others. If i remember correctly you had told me you have offers over 400m, which i cant and dont need to proof. Whatever for you selling your Business after seeing our Forum post just gives another picture that you know what you have done and if this gets revealed you would loose that gas station Business in Mirror park.

Personally i dont care what you do with your Gas station im just saying that this is another sign because your words always were, i will sell it when i get another Business. Also i hope you did not evade Tax when selling your Gas station, but thats none of my business at the end.

Charlie Russo

Active Member
Leader of unofficial org
Mar 29, 2022
What I have seen here shocks me a lot. I see screenshots that are 6 months old, and I am being portrayed as a scammer, although all I want to do is clarify this case. As you can see in Danny's screenshots, in our conversation, I clearly state that I would not sell a family business without first consulting the higher-ups, and I seek clarity because the current situation is unacceptable.

With the statements I read here, I would also ask you to know the difference between a family business and a private business! According to what I read here, there is no difference, and I think that is not acceptable. I obviously want clarity on this case and see what in-depth logs about Danny Spooky will come up.

In my opinion, the audacious generation of nearly 100% of the profits of family businesses is not compatible with any logical case. For me, it is evident that Danny Spooky only managed to line his own pockets. "And I believe I have supported this wonderful project more than Danny has, without resorting to any deceptive tactics to manipulate the system."

Charlie Russo, who else !

Martin Parker

Jul 28, 2021
Hello this me me martin brother of danny , its been a hell of a ride since this happened, When danny was moving from Night Ravens to their fam i would always tell him that why are u trusting ur business with other family he said that he trust charlie and other members because they are nice and see now ....Mr charlie russo the guy who trusted u like this dont u feel bad from inside that what u are trying to do to him have some dignity mate.
Claims which u made against danny:
1. U shared the screenshots of all the logs which danny did with cowshed,planation and oilwell and u sharing logs of items which he has taking from fam helipad.
Reply - U can clearly see in the screenshot u have mention 100% profit my friend that danny can take from the business as he is the owner and not u , in screenshots provided u can clearly see ur other high commands Ozie Russo has clearly mentioned 90% profits will be taken by danny now why are u going against him?

2. You claimed that danny has been doing Gen 6.22 (........... taking items from wareshouse and cars).
Reply - My man charlie before claiming this fact atleast see what he is taking lol he has put his own seeds which he brought from his money and put it the fam heli so that his friends who have been helping him with the cowshed can take seeds and plant what on earth made u think that they were ur seeds and he has been taking ur items? 🤦‍♂️

3.Now another claim by a guy called Benz Benzo ( the right hard of charlie behind this scam) states that these business which were in the Family has not seen any kind of financial Support for Guns, Clothing etc and they were really disappointed.
Reply - Bro before danny came to the family he clearly mentioned that profits will be his he is coming in the fam to get security of his business and he he trusts u guys ( which u guys have backstabbed) and yeah Mr benzo u claimed that that u need financial support right explain me what this screenshot means?
Dear benzo proofs speak more than words here.

4. Benzo and charlie u claim that u guys are not going to sell the business ?
Reply - First of all u dont have any right to sell the biz dear it is completely owned my danny and Gen 6.22 Clearly states that family leaders not family owner all the deputy are considered leaders and u want the proof of u trying to sell the business here u go my friend
Do u guys even know what u speak before telling.
and even removed danny from deputy

Dear admins we tried to call them and text them personally but because of fear they are not even texting us back and picking are call OOCly they know what they are doing is completely wrong and are just trying to take business away These guys havent even paid a single penny to get fam biz it was danny who got it for himself, if u guys want to get a fam biusiness for ur family give danny all his business back and then get as many fam biz u want for urself but dont scam his businesses .

And charlie and benzo please for godsake come with proper proofs and not baseless arguements.( i wonder why u scared talking to us )
And Danny truth will set u free my brother no worries ❤️❤️

Robert Sniter

May 28, 2023
What I have seen here shocks me a lot. I see screenshots that are 6 months old, and I am being portrayed as a scammer, although all I want to do is clarify this case. As you can see in Danny's screenshots, in our conversation, I clearly state that I would not sell a family business without first consulting the higher-ups, and I seek clarity because the current situation is unacceptable.

With the statements I read here, I would also ask you to know the difference between a family business and a private business! According to what I read here, there is no difference, and I think that is not acceptable. I obviously want clarity on this case and see what in-depth logs about Danny Spooky will come up.

In my opinion, the audacious generation of nearly 100% of the profits of family businesses is not compatible with any logical case. For me, it is evident that Danny Spooky only managed to line his own pockets. "And I believe I have supported this wonderful project more than Danny has, without resorting to any deceptive tactics to manipulate the system."

Charlie Russo, who else !
Its not about month or year, its about words. What is said! You need to keep the words. And the chats are very much clear.

Robert Sniter

May 28, 2023
Why are you guys trying to take charlies businesses ! I did work in the past with danny and he scammed me ! So what goes around comes around , never received a dollar for work and hard hours spent.
You trying to be real for faking things. Only talk realistically, not on your dream basis, and you don’t get money is never true. Everybody worked with him gets money and only you left. So real!
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Tommy Gold

Think like a millionaire, hustle like you're broke
May 15, 2022
Danny since you are claiming that these Family Businesses are your Personal ones and nobody from the Family has anything to say to them (See your own Chat with charlie in Proofs). If they have nothing to do with the Family i would like to ask why this rule here exists:

1.5 It is forbidden to have more than 1 business, including additional accounts. 1 person – 1 business. | Ban 30 days each account
For me, it is evident that Danny Spooky only managed to line his own pockets
Is this a joke? This is ridiculous. Danny single handily bought all 3 family businesses and wanted a family that could scriptly hold them. He chose you. You have abused his trust and are now abusing the rules by attempting to keep them with you. It's down bad, to be frank. Is your logic that if someone buys something it isn't theirs? I only have 1 question for Charlie Russo and Benzo: How much did you personally contribute to the purchase of the cowshed // plantation // oilwell? (Provide a figure please)

It is genuinely saddening that you have discredited the name of your family. There is still time to make it right. I suggest you do so promptly

Personally i dont care what you do with your Gas station im just saying that this is another sign because your words always were, i will sell it when i get another Business. Also i hope you did not evade Tax when selling your Gas station, but thats none of my business at the end.
What does his business ownership have anything to do with this forum? This surely counts as offtop in this case and I suggest you familiarise yourself with 1.9 so you understand the true meaning of tax evasion

Charlie Russo

Active Member
Leader of unofficial org
Mar 29, 2022
Hi Martin, claiming 6.22 does not only mean taking things from warehouses and cars / but it fits obviously well to you to just point at something what does not matter! And if you would read write : Yes i actually claim that i would not sell the Businesses what you read here but maybe you oversee it ;) The Only thing i want is clearity in this case and we will see how the Administration will decide that. Also there cant be a scam when i report this Case here on the Forum to search for clearity with the Administration! Before i would take any Action i ask for understanding about the Rules of the Server what i did now and today!
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