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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Players nickname
Roman Alexander
Administrators nickname
Notix Haze
Jul 2, 2023
1:13 am


Jul 2, 2023
I'll be honest with you, I'm fairly new so if I'm not going to get an appeal on this case I would just at least like an explanation on what the deal is. This store robbery deal I've ran a couple of times and have generally seen the same results, so to get punished was just confusing to me.
  1. The bodycam doesn't even show a fight in the thread so I'm not sure why it's labeled "RDM."
  2. One of my family was informed that the "GZ 1.3" we received was because we didn't start the store robbery.
    1. We didn't realize we hadn't started the store robbery event till after the fact.
    2. No one, during the event, recognized that it wasn't started and corrected it (police included).
    3. No admin was notified of the situation till after the fact, of which, everyone was automatically punished.
  3. There were "too many chiefs" at the scene on the police's end with every single officer barking different orders and requests.
    1. How are we supposed to negotiate with 3 people?
    2. How are we supposed to handle hostages "with care" when they are uncooperative and sing into their microphone?
    3. How are we supposed to get any of the RP elements done correctly when police are singing into their microphone?
Any situation in Grand RP that requires an activated event as well as additional RP elements to get started, I can't understand the severity of a punishment like 3 hours in demorgan. The more elements you add to an event the more likely mistakes are going to get made on both sides, which happens frequently. Police and criminals alike make minor mistakes every time we run an event. We don't complain because we get it, it's a lot of stuff to remember. We had already obtained the hostages, one of which wasn't cooperative at all and constantly disobeyed orders, before we arrived at the store. Police arrived earlier than expected because an officer arrived unintentionally on scene and got involved - there was miscommunication there as well which we were able to resolve. Most of the time we can resolve these minor qualms with officers on scene, if they are mature enough to realize and handle the complexity of the situation.

Long story short, with context, I think any admin would realize that the whole thing was just ugly - it happens. But to have one entire family receive 3 hours in demorgan because they forgot to trigger the store robbery event on top of the hostage event, even though they didn't get awarded for the robbery event and only the hostages... I'd at least like an explanation of the thought process if you're not going to forgive this.


Jun 19, 2023
I would like to also add that there have been times where the store robbery event would be bugged and after discussing that with the police the shows up, they actually agree to play along and continue the RP without a problem since its not a fault on anyone's end and just a server problem (some officers are actually mature and understanding and want to RP the game just like any of us want). We really do appreciate when such people show up and I get it that it can't be helped when "some" others don't do that. But at least we urge the admins to have a similar mindset where if there's a bug or an issue with the game server itself (which has been happening quite a lot of late) then at least show the same level of understanding as the players so we could move on with RPing the game itself.

I understand that breaking the RP rules should be addressed and I have no problem with that, but when all the RP elements and rules and respected all the way through, and the only issue you cite is a server issue, and based on that you send warnings and jailtime for all involved, that neither makes any sense nor does it seem fair or just at all.

One final statement. If this was really the offense you described it to be, why aren't the cops getting punished as well for deciding to play along and act as if it was a robbery? Why didn't the hostages just leave the game or ran out? Why did the police RP all the way through and even paid for the hostages? If this was fair then none should be punished. If this was reasonably unfair then all parties should be punished. But what is both unreasonable and utterly unjust is to punish all members of a single party and not a single one of the other, when both parties decided to RP the event and played it through with respect to all other general rules.
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