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SignUp Now!He makes fun of my speaking style, picks up the microphone, yells and does it for more than 40 seconds, please show POV like more than 1 minreviewing
He is provoking people to open a forum by toxicating him. You can understand this from other forums he opened.
U got 900k amk bi zahmet i am waiting for it bi de check discord acilOn consideration - Rdm + GR 3.2 I 99277 Im already make on there lol
(amy sus bi mk vercem 160k nı cpss)
salak sensin kolay gelsin amına koyma cebine koy bayramda harçlık yapar harcarsın (hes my friend thats not provoking cpss)Mete anlık: Ez goverment ez goverment aldım ben bunun povunu agaaaa salak aq OWJTOEJTODNTODNTOFNTKWKT sen benim ilk borcu öde
HeS PrOVOking oN fORum OmG :dI guess that's called laughing when you're about to cry
Harbi salak aq APLFOQJTOQNTOWN4PWN4OWNYPWNYODNTPANGLANTPWN4OWORsalak sensin kolay gelsin amına koyma cebine koy bayramda harçlık yapar harcarsın (hes my friend thats not provoking cpss)
I said let's talk to him he thought I was going to rdm and he kept repeatingBeyler bayram vakti öpüşün barışın hadi da xd