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Rebel Rae

Jul 5, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Casey
2. Your age 27
3. Time zone: CST
4. Average online per day:8+ hours
5. Your Discord: DarkenedRose96
6. Your Nickname: Rebel Rae
7. Your ID 277322

Additional information
Leader of LSPD.

1. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1). LSPD is my home in the city. I was brought in under Mighty Gin’s term and aside from a short break at the start of Jessica’s term and my recent departure, I have been with LSPD since. I love LSPD with my whole heart and would love to lead it to greater heights and spread its legacy farther than ever before.
2). I feel as someone who has been with LSPD for a decent time, I have seen what works and doesn’t work within the organization. I can take what I have learned and apply it to my leadership, thus improving what needs to improve and maintaining what is already great.
3). When people think of police they think of LSPD first usually. We are the face of the city. I want to make that face a positive light. I feel my time as HOD of PR will allow me to make great bonds with other Orgs and the citizens of Los Santos, and paint LSPD in the legacy of the city as a great organization.

2. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1). I will not allow any form of disrespect. I want the org to be like a family. Any issues will be handled and dealt with in ways that respect both parties. We are all a unit and I will make sure that unit is a well oiled machine by leading with respect and care. If I get leader, I may be leader but I will still be there with my officers on the front line so that I can see how they work together and make sure I’m there when issues arise to help squash them immediately.
2). I will fix the ranking protocol so hard working officers aren’t stuck at one rank while officers can come in from other orgs at a high rank. I will ensure that rookies get the training they need to advance as well, and refresh HRT to ensure that we have officers available to train our newest officers and welcome them to the force.
3). I will build better communication with other orgs, so that in situations no org feels left out of the loop. I will also build better relationships with other Leo orgs to make sure the city is protected no matter what. No matter the badge we wear, we all have one goal and that is to protect the city. I want us all to work together as a well oiled machine. This will include a restructuring of our internal departments to allow for better communication interpersonally and throughout the org. A plan for this would look like this.
I.A. A clear outline of how to open cases, who can make decisions, and allow for open discussion in cases to help ensure that each officer gets a fair treatment based on the code of procedures. A strict punishment policy that is enforced equally amongst all officers. What is fair for one is fair for all.
S.W.A.T. A clear chain of command within Swat that is enforced during events, along with an expectation to step up when in SWAT to maintain position.
Under Cover Bureau More integration of UC into the org, and a higher expectation for units to provide evidence against gangs.
HRT More emphasis on having officers available for training and getting our new officers into patrol. Regular re-trainings for officers that are currently on the force to ensure that they are up to date on any changes.
PR Get more of our officers out being the face of LSPD and doing more collaborative events.
Traffic Enforcement Ensure that all officers regardless of if they are towies or not are up to date on ticketing protocol and how to tow vehicles.
Over all, I want to make sure that LSPD is taken care of to the fullest. I want our officers to feel seen and heard, and I want the citizens of Los Santos to feel protected.

Thank you for your time reviewing my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

- Casey (Rebel Rae)

Notix Haze

Senior Curator of Media - EN1
Aug 22, 2022

Gain More Experience in City and apply again.
You might have experience in LSPD however your IC age is low.​
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