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Albert Thakur

Jul 6, 2023
1.Your name IRL : Aditya
2.Your Age : 18
3.Time Zone : GMT +5:30
4.Avg. Online per day : 3-4 hours
5.Your Discord Id : .jojo45
6.Your Nickname : Albert Thakur
7.Your ID:177660

Additional Information

1.Leader of

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):
I have been doing LEO rp in Grandrp from like around 12 terms mostly in LSPD with 7 terms , I have seen LSPD in their low time to high time . I started from rookie been in fields,Learned,explored,Ive dedicated my half of the career as a police man,and served the city with loyalty and honesty.I know the ins and out of the organization and I’m ready to dedicate my time and passion as a leader.
  • Build a org with numbers and retention
Improving recruitment and retention are crucial, yet challenging goals. To achieve this, the LSPD has refined its recruitment process and identified the need for minor adjustments to ensure sustainable outcomes. One key change is implementing a mandatory policy requiring higher-ranking officers to mentor new recruits, facilitating efficient skill development and enhancing advancement prospects. Additionally, training will now include an end-of-Academy exam to assess readiness for active duty. These measures aim to enhance the effectiveness and professionalism of the LSPD while maintaining a formal and structured approach.​
  • Offer greater opportunity across the various time zones (Working smarter, not harder…)

    In today's time, maximizing talent retention is crucial for organizational growth. To overcome this challenge, i would introduce groundbreaking solution: a time-zone specific department structure. By establishing an "in-city" AM and PM High Command, we double critical leadership positions, fostering continuous recruitment, training, and specialist activities.

    This innovative approach offers unmatched opportunities for career advancement, enabling officers to excel and thrive. Guided by a Chief, Deputy Chief, and Assistant Chief, each time period's unique requirements are diligently met, ensuring seamless operations and sustainable success.

    By working smarter, not harder, we revolutionize the way organizations function, opening doors to greater achievement across various time zones.
    officers more opportunity for promotions and is governed by a Chief, Deputy Chief, and Assistant Chief who ensure each time period's requirements are met.

  • Improve progression desires through greater communications
At LSPD, fostering a vibrant and fulfilling environment for our officers is paramount. We envision an organization where individuals are driven by their passion to excel, advancing through the ranks of various departments.​
To realize this vision, we recognize the need for clear and transparent guidelines that outline the path to progression, from Cadet to Chief. By establishing a comprehensive framework, we ignite a sense of purpose among our officers, inspiring them to strive for milestones that unlock coveted promotions and specialist roles.​
With enhanced visibility into progression requirements, we create a culture that celebrates success. Our interactive internal events serve as platforms for recognition and camaraderie, while also providing invaluable coaching and guidance to those in need.​
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in the organization
3.1 Sub Divisions
a)Parking and Trafffic Enforcement :It would be a Independent division which will have dispatch , tow truckers and patrol Officers(Lead by Commander of Superintendent)​
b)RTD: Recruitment and Training Department it would be under Commander of RTD and focusing on recruitment and training(Lead by Commander of RTD)​
c)SOB:Special Operations Bureau is tasked with fugitive apprehension, and direct tactical responses when the situation calls for it(Lead by Commander of SOB)​
d)CID : Criminal Investigation Division plays a critical role in protecting clean sport. We gather insights, intelligence and information, and follow a rigorous investigative approach(Lead by Commander of CID)
e)IA:A division of a law enforcement agency investigating incidents and plausible suspicions of lawbreaking and professional misconduct attributed to officers on the force.(Lead by Chief's)​

3.2 Training and Education: Implement comprehensive training programs that focus on enhancing role-playing skills. Provide workshops and sessions where officers can learn and practice different aspects of role-playing, such as character development, improvisation, and immersive storytelling.​
3.3 Clear Role-Play Guidelines: Establish clear guidelines and expectations for role-play within the organization. Define appropriate behavior, communication protocols, and standards of realism to ensure consistency and quality in role-play interactions.​
3.4 Encourage Creativity: Foster a culture that values creativity and encourages officers to bring unique ideas and perspectives to their role-play scenarios. Allow for improvisation and creative problem-solving within the boundaries of the role-play guidelines.​
3.5 Scenario Variety: Create a diverse range of role-play scenarios to keep officers engaged and challenged. Incorporate different types of situations, such as traffic stops, investigations, hostage negotiations, and community outreach events, to provide a well-rounded role-playing experience.​
3.6 Feedback and Evaluation: Regularly provide constructive feedback and evaluations to officers regarding their role-playing skills. Encourage peer-to-peer feedback as well, fostering a supportive environment for continuous improvement.​
3.7 Resources and Tools: Provide officers with the necessary resources and tools to enhance their role-play experience. This could include access to relevant training materials, reference guides, communication platforms, and in-game props or equipment.​
3.8 Recognition and Rewards: Acknowledge and reward officers who consistently demonstrate exceptional role-playing skills. This can be done through formal recognition programs, commendations, or even in-game incentives that motivate officers to continue improving.​
3.9 PDA & Bodycam: We would be implementing these 2 things in our training process. /do Connects PDA to LSPD Cloud. as PDA is counted OOC info and to convert it to IC we have to do this else everything we see through PDA is invalid. and for Bodycam I would be implementing strict punishments if anyone is found without Bodycam or without commands like /do,/me etc.​

I am very enthusiastic and I am a team player who works with upmost optimism and I will make LSPD officers proud of me as a good leader. I know you guys will make the correct decision.

Yours Truly,
Albert Thakur
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