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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Harvey Spector
Jul 9, 2023

Abdu Tate

Apr 23, 2023
After we finished with a hostage situation with the cops, we got the money and jumped in the water with diving suits on, no armor, and no guns in hand. One of us was sent to demorgen since they didn't have a swim suit on so it was understandable. But for the rest of us we all had diving suits on. Then after around 10 minutes me and another fam member were put in demorgen. And when I asked Harvey Spector why I was put in demorgen they said "Jumped in water". So I'm wondering why is it only some of us and not all of us if it's not allowed? And also the cops dive in with us, patch us up sometimes, and put us in cuffs but sometimes they don't do any of that. So with that being said I was wondering if jumping in the water in general isn't allowed or during that situation or what? Please give me a detailed explanation on why jumping in water isn't allowed and if so then why only some of us get demorgen? And why don't the cops get the same punishment?


Jun 12, 2023
After we finished with a hostage situation with the cops, we got the money and jumped in the water with diving suits on, no armor, and no guns in hand. One of us was sent to demorgen since they didn't have a swim suit on so it was understandable. But for the rest of us we all had diving suits on. Then after around 10 minutes me and another fam member were put in demorgen. And when I asked Harvey Spector why I was put in demorgen they said "Jumped in water". So I'm wondering why is it only some of us and not all of us if it's not allowed? And also the cops dive in with us, patch us up sometimes, and put us in cuffs but sometimes they don't do any of that. So with that being said I was wondering if jumping in the water in general isn't allowed or during that situation or what? Please give me a detailed explanation on why jumping in water isn't allowed and if so then why only some of us get demorgen? And why don't the cops get the same punishment?
Fr how is jumping in the water PG , and when the cops do it it’s normal ?? And how about if u take the lader down to the pire is that still power gaming your not jumping ??

Alex Odd

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
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