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Rejected Vehli Janta | Unofficial Organization

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Inder Vella

Jul 19, 2022
Leader: Indra Vella | 352
Leader Discord: vellasardarji
Family Name: Vehli Janta
Family House: 484
Family Leader forum: Inder Vella

Family Logo

Family Dress code

Life was never smooth for us. we are three brothers from another mothers who sacrificed their life's for our good future in the late 19th century at the time of world war ii . Our childhoods were dipped in harsh cruelties. There were no bread for us. we were 3 brothers with lost parents and bunch of orphans from our society were left alive after the war, we travelled all along the city to feed ourselves and our family but Bad memories and bitter experiences taught us to snatch from the world for a hope to survive. there were no hope for us to survive from this striving world. . Life was tough, and became tougher with years. There was no shoulder to cry upon when hurt. we all formed together as a family the Vehli Janta and started an organization. We learnt that, "to be a breadwinner we need to steal and rob". as days are going on we grew up our family stronger, and found more friends on the way. We became a group of brothers and sisters to fight for a bigger cause - "To feed the Unfed". The most important factor of this organization is Loyalty.
Business Model & Goals :
Becoming the biggest and best family in Los Santos.
To grow and nourish our family members and also new recruits.
Smuggling and selling weapons and ammo.
Robbing people in ghetto areas and out side of the city.
To take control on many businesses in Los Santos in order to earn money for the family.
Drug dealing.
There's a lots of legal business like freight train, plantation and burn etc.
Members can earn money from selling seeds, fruits, naturally occurring liquids like petrol, gasoline and fish and Minerals.
Grab out all the spheres of influences' areas under our control.

1) Violation of server rules is not allowed.
2) Always wear your uniform during family activities.
3) Do not embarrassed yourself or your family.
4) Be loyal to members of the family.
5) We do not tolerate any kind of discrimination or hateful speech regarding race, sexuality, sexual orientation, or characteristics of any persons well being.

Ranking Structure:
1.Vella : New In City As Well As New In Family
2.VETERAN : starting to learn and make a bond with the family .
3.SOLDIER : ready to go on a raid and war for the family .
4.HEAD OF SOLDIER : will be leading all the soldiers .
5.ADVISOR : will handle all the family businesses and will advise the leader about future steps .
6.UNDER DEPUTY : Ready and been picked up from the experienced member of the family to be prepare for the upcoming big opportunities .
7.TURFER : Will go on territory wars for the family .
8.DEPUTY LEADER : Will lead the fam in the absence of the leader .
9.CO.LEADER : Will trade leader post if leader will out of town for a long time .
10.LEADER : The one who established this family and leading everyone to go achieve name in this city and reputation

They say - "Everything comes with a price" .

Thus, with a burden of our lost kins, hatred, sacrifices and sins, we led to the foundation of a family named -Vehli Janta. ( Vella )
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