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Heavy 10-10
Jan 27, 2023
Organization: EMS

Name: Habibi Spectre
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: India
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown
Tattoos: Arm Tattoo of Rose
Strengths: Having Confident to do something
Weakness: Nerves of being lost what I have

Life Story: Habibi was a normal citizen of India. He spent most of the time in playing games, the game he play Grand RP (No.1 server of GTA 5) more. One day his teacher said him that you can't do anything in your life, you will get no success, no one motivate him even he get the same words of his teacher from his parents side. So, one day he decided to do something, he gone in city 1 and start grinding for his life and he join gangs and state org the first org he join was Government after he join SAHP where he got good rank and he was happy with his work but after due to some misunderstand of some guys he was being totally kicked from city 1 so he decided to go in city 3 and he start grinding their he shows the proof that he was a state employee in city 1 and he gets the good rank and he was happy with that he again join SAHP and after some time he got Chief of Staff in LSPD, Deputy Head of IA in FIB, Chief of IA in SAHP, and then at last, now he is in EMS doing his work daily and enjoying his life he also make many friend who support him and always help him. This was the Life Story of the Habibi that how he come at this position where he is now standing. May you enjoy this story!

Career Story: In career Habibi starts from Government in city 1 and today he has the highest ranks the he expect and now he not wants anything more than making money and have fun with his friends. His career was full of hard work and he spent more than 1 year to come on this position . Many of the rich guys and powerful people says that it is not hard to achieve this position but a real struggler knows that its too much hard to achieve this position where Habibi sits now.

Only Outcome:
1- Be able to do any kind of illegal activities only while OFF DUTY (Must still follow server rules)


Heavy 10-10
Jan 27, 2023
Habibi Spectre firstly my name was that but now I had changed to Habibi Profit
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