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Shabah Verlice.

Forum King
Sep 4, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Osameh
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: CET
4. Average online per day: 4-6h
5. Your Discord: shaba7.
6. Your Nickname: Shabah Verlice
7. Your ID: 471

Additional information
1. Leader of Vagos

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation) There are several compelling reasons why I aspire to be a leader of this specific organization, each contributing to personal growth and a fulfilling experience within the gang.

  1. Creative expression: I believe that assuming a leadership role within this organization will provide me with a unique opportunity for creative expression. As a leader, I can shape the gang's narrative and develop a captivating storyline that engages other players and adds depth to the virtual world. This creative outlet allows me to explore innovative ideas and leave a lasting impact on the gang and the overall gaming experience.
  2. Social interaction: Leading a gang involves collaborating with other players and building a sense of community. I value the opportunity to work closely with fellow gang members, forging relationships, and fostering teamwork. As a leader, my goal is to create a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and motivated to contribute their best. The social interactions within the gang can lead to lasting friendships and a strong sense of camaraderie.
  3. Personal and leadership development: Being a leader of this gang presents a challenge that appeals to my desire for personal growth and the opportunity to test my abilities in a simulated environment. The role demands strategic thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. By assuming leadership responsibilities, I can push myself beyond my comfort zone and develop essential leadership qualities that can be transferred to various real-world scenarios. It is important to approach leadership responsibly, adhering to the rules and regulations set by the game developers and the community.​
Advice for Improving the RolePlay Level in the Organization:
  1. Establish clear guidelines and expectations: Define and communicate the standards for RolePlay within the gang. Encourage all members to develop and maintain well-defined characters, stay in character during interactions, and adhere to the established lore and setting. Clear guidelines help create a cohesive experience for everyone involved and contribute to a more immersive gameplay environment.
  2. Provide training and resources: Support gang members in developing their roleplaying skills. Organize workshops or practice sessions where they can work on character development, improvisation skills, and storytelling abilities. Sharing resources such as guides or tutorials on RolePlay techniques can also enhance their understanding and engagement. By investing in their growth, you foster a community of skilled roleplayers who can contribute to a richer gaming experience.
  3. Foster collaboration with other gangs or factions: Seek opportunities to collaborate with other groups in the game. By creating dynamic and engaging storylines that involve multiple players and factions, you can enrich the gameplay experience and create a more immersive environment. Collaborations introduce fresh perspectives, encourage diverse RolePlay interactions, and create a sense of a living, interconnected world within the game.
  4. Address toxic behavior and conflicts: Be proactive in addressing toxic behavior or conflicts within your gang. Foster a positive and inclusive culture that encourages creativity, teamwork, and respect. Establish channels for conflict resolution and ensure that everyone feels heard and supported. By maintaining a healthy environment, you create a space where RolePlay can flourish, enabling all members to enjoy and contribute to the immersive storytelling experience.​
By implementing these strategies, you can elevate the RolePlay level within your gang organization, fostering a more immersive and enjoyable experience for all members involved.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of the organization.
Sincerely, Osameh (Shabah Verlice)​

Bahu Pluxury

Dec 22, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Osameh
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: CET
4. Average online per day: 4-6h
5. Your Discord: shaba7.
6. Your Nickname: Shabah Verlice
7. Your ID: 471

Additional information
1. Leader of Vagos

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation) There are several compelling reasons why I aspire to be a leader of this specific organization, each contributing to personal growth and a fulfilling experience within the gang.

  1. Creative expression: I believe that assuming a leadership role within this organization will provide me with a unique opportunity for creative expression. As a leader, I can shape the gang's narrative and develop a captivating storyline that engages other players and adds depth to the virtual world. This creative outlet allows me to explore innovative ideas and leave a lasting impact on the gang and the overall gaming experience.​
  2. Social interaction: Leading a gang involves collaborating with other players and building a sense of community. I value the opportunity to work closely with fellow gang members, forging relationships, and fostering teamwork. As a leader, my goal is to create a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and motivated to contribute their best. The social interactions within the gang can lead to lasting friendships and a strong sense of camaraderie.​
  3. Personal and leadership development: Being a leader of this gang presents a challenge that appeals to my desire for personal growth and the opportunity to test my abilities in a simulated environment. The role demands strategic thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. By assuming leadership responsibilities, I can push myself beyond my comfort zone and develop essential leadership qualities that can be transferred to various real-world scenarios. It is important to approach leadership responsibly, adhering to the rules and regulations set by the game developers and the community.​
Advice for Improving the RolePlay Level in the Organization:
  1. Establish clear guidelines and expectations: Define and communicate the standards for RolePlay within the gang. Encourage all members to develop and maintain well-defined characters, stay in character during interactions, and adhere to the established lore and setting. Clear guidelines help create a cohesive experience for everyone involved and contribute to a more immersive gameplay environment.​
  2. Provide training and resources: Support gang members in developing their roleplaying skills. Organize workshops or practice sessions where they can work on character development, improvisation skills, and storytelling abilities. Sharing resources such as guides or tutorials on RolePlay techniques can also enhance their understanding and engagement. By investing in their growth, you foster a community of skilled roleplayers who can contribute to a richer gaming experience.​
  3. Foster collaboration with other gangs or factions: Seek opportunities to collaborate with other groups in the game. By creating dynamic and engaging storylines that involve multiple players and factions, you can enrich the gameplay experience and create a more immersive environment. Collaborations introduce fresh perspectives, encourage diverse RolePlay interactions, and create a sense of a living, interconnected world within the game.​
  4. Address toxic behavior and conflicts: Be proactive in addressing toxic behavior or conflicts within your gang. Foster a positive and inclusive culture that encourages creativity, teamwork, and respect. Establish channels for conflict resolution and ensure that everyone feels heard and supported. By maintaining a healthy environment, you create a space where RolePlay can flourish, enabling all members to enjoy and contribute to the immersive storytelling experience.​
By implementing these strategies, you can elevate the RolePlay level within your gang organization, fostering a more immersive and enjoyable experience for all members involved.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of the organization.
Sincerely, Osameh (Shabah Verlice)​
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