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IC Issue, call a taxi.
Oct 13, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Ayan
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT +5
4. Average online day: 8-9 hours
5. Your Discord : mor7a.l
6. Your Nickname : Mortall Bolo
7. Your ID : 3427

Additional Information

1. Leader of Ballas.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

Being leader of any organization is not a easy task, alot of dedication and hard work is required to do so.

I have gained a lot of gang experienced in gangs and I have learned how the things works in gang and I have learnt a lot of things about Gangs so I am applying for the Leader of Ballas gang and i am sure if I get the opportunity to lead the Gang I will make it the Best Gang in City.
I want to make Ballas one of the most respected gangs from everyone.

My target wont be a Pikachu hoodie like others my main target will be to make such a strong gang that people would question themselves entering the ghetto. Im sure i can do it if i can get the chance and ill not let the curators down with my words.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in the organization.
As I told I will Hire only hire people who knows rules and how things work in gang but I will make a Very complicated method for People to get recruited and even for rank ups there will be limited ranks and only limited people So that The Rules are followed and a High Quality Level of RP is maintained in Every situations.

Goals For Gang
100% Turf Season
Finishing my term without any org punishment
Providing good bonuses as a leader

Thanks for reading my application

Nauman sh

Nov 11, 2022
Keep doing this
Make people jealous
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