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Dave Kipper

Oct 24, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Dave
2. Your age: 22
3. Time zone: GMT
4. Average online per day: 5-8+ hours
5. Your Discord: VenomXIX
6. Your Nickname: Dave Vilgerarson
7. Your ID: 1224

Additional information

Leader of LifeInvader

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?:

I have been around the city since it was opened, in this time I have learned a lot about each organization and experienced a lot of different perspectives, through all of this time LifeInvader is one of the organizations that has always piqued my interest in the possibilities it can achieve, I feel like I have built myself within the city and made many connections which I will allow me to elevate the potential of LifeInvader to be the best version it can be.

I want to become a leader as this would allow me to have a big impact on the image LifeInvader currently the perspective from other organizations is that LifeInvader is there to catch you out and is just there to make an article about your organization and represent them in a negative limelight. I think this needs to change and I feel like I would be a good person to do this I have good relationships with all the leaders. This will allow to foster better relations and give more opportunities for cooperation with other organizations.

I have a great group of people who are motivated to help me achieve all my goals and have the experience to do so as well, this will allow me to not get overwhelmed by trying to focus on everything at once and I will be able to delegate tasks to these people and know that they will put 100% effort into making sure that the tasks that are set out are achieved and that the organization it represented in a fashion, this is important as one common thing I see with leaders is they try to do everything without relying on the people around them and I feels this is the wrong approach to take as the people around you are there to support you and make sure that everything is running smoothly, I want to make LifeInvader feel like a family where everyone is welcome and that can foster people to achieve there potential and the team I have around me will allow me to do this.

Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization:

I want to improve the way the LifeInvader interacts with other organizations and allow them to be able to use Life Invader as a platform to share information as the current state of things is only Life Invader creating articles and speaking news I want to be able to give all the leaders a place where they can come and spread information making Life Invader the place to go to get information about all activities in the city.

I would like to improve the news side of LifeInvader to bring an IRL feel to how things are done within Life Invader. I want to achieve this by doing weekly newscasts and having active news teams patrolling the city to make sure we catch all the activities going on in the city as soon as they happen.

I have plans to increase the perspective of LifeInvader by having the creative team focus on the image of LifeInvader this will allow us to be a more trustworthy source of information. I am also going to create an events team within the creative team to allow them to focus on events giving the department more than one group of just doing events. I will give each department quotas to archive to ensure that each department is active and that the organization shows its presence no matter what time of the day it is, I have us focus on recruitment and training new people, as well as training old people who return to improve their knowledge of how things are done within the organization.

Thank you for reading,
Dave Vilgerarson
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