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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Chin Lothbrok
Administrators nickname
Aug 7, 2023
https://i.imgur.com/X9ADMzW.png/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbXE0_kfA_s

Chin Lothbrok

Dec 5, 2022
Hello, I hope this finds you well. I am writing this to respectfully appeal for a consideration of my account ban. I understand that there might be reasons for my banning but i genuinely believe that there has been a misunderstanding. I was banned for gen 1.9, It is forbidden to evade our systems of selling/buying. If you evading TAX(e.g. selling/buying/trading house/items/cars/clothes for 1k and then taking money) . I value the game and interactions i have with fellow players, some which i have become very close with.

I understand that the forum posted towards me was for "combat logging" but i was banned for general rules 1.9 which is a misunderstanding in the assessment of my actions leading to this ban. It came as a shock to me when i found myself banned as i have not engaged in any behaviour that has caused such an action.Please consider my appeal and give me another chance to demonstrate that i can be a responsible and respectful member of this community. I am truly sorry for any inconveniences that my actions might have caused and i would like to learn from this experience.

Thanks for taking the time to read my appeal and i look forward to your response in hopes of a positive resolution

Chin Lothbrok

Dec 5, 2022
Hello, I hope this finds you well. I am writing this to respectfully appeal for a consideration of my account ban. I understand that there might be reasons for my banning but i genuinely believe that there has been a misunderstanding. I was banned for gen 1.9, It is forbidden to evade our systems of selling/buying. If you evading TAX(e.g. selling/buying/trading house/items/cars/clothes for 1k and then taking money) . I value the game and interactions i have with fellow players, some which i have become very close with.

I understand that the forum posted towards me was for "combat logging" but i was banned for general rules 1.9 which is a misunderstanding in the assessment of my actions leading to this ban. It came as a shock to me when i found myself banned as i have not engaged in any behaviour that has caused such an action.Please consider my appeal and give me another chance to demonstrate that i can be a responsible and respectful member of this community. I am truly sorry for any inconveniences that my actions might have caused and i would like to learn from this experience.

Thanks for taking the time to read my appeal and i look forward to your response in hopes of a positive resolution
ive just been informed that my ban is due to an item being sold for $1000, i was not aware that this was not allowed. The reasoning for the item and money being transferred from his bank to mine and his account to mine was because my friend was going on holiday and i wanted to enjoy the car during his loa. I genuinely did not intend to downplay any illegal activities, and I regret any misunderstanding or confusion my actions may have caused. My intention is always to engage in thoughtful and informed conversations, and I'm grateful that you pointed out the misunderstanding. Please grant me a second chance as i promise this will not occur again

Chin Lothbrok

Dec 5, 2022
i truly did not mean for this to occur, i just wanted to enjoy my friends vehicle whilst he was out of the city. i do not mind having my money wiped as punishment for this but please could my appeal be reviewed and potentially resolved
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