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Rejected Personal Biography | Roy UchihaX | 29362

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Feb 18, 2023
Name: Roy UchihaX
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Race: Indian
Nationality: India
Place of Birth: Mumbai, India
Sexuality: Male
Weight: 83
Height: 5.10
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: Full body.
Strengths: Helpful, Protective, Exposes wrong people, Smart.
Weakness: Procrastinator, Vengeful.

Life Story:

Roy UchihaX was born on a stormy night in the heart of Mumbai, India, to a family of immense wealth and influence. His father, a prominent business tycoon, and his mother, who would dedicate her life for Roy's Upbringing , ensured that young Roy wanted for nothing. Yet, amid their riches, they imparted the values of compassion and humility, instilling in him a deep sense of responsibility to the less fortunate.

Lessons of Humility:
Roy's upbringing was far from the stereotypical privileged child. His parents exposed him to the harsh realities of the world, taking him to orphanages, hospitals, and slums, where he witnessed the struggles faced by the underprivileged. These experiences left an indelible mark on his young heart, nurturing his desire to make a difference.

With the weight of his family's legacy and his newfound commitment to humility, Roy embarked on a journey of self-discovery. Leaving behind his luxurious lifestyle, he set his sights on the distant city of Los Santos, seeking to carve his own path and channel his privileged upbringing into meaningful change.

Rise of The Uchiha Clan:
Arriving in the sprawling metropolis of Los Santos, Roy was quickly thrust into a world vastly different from his own. Faced with adversity and challenges, he channeled his experiences to form the Uchiha Clan — a group with a unique code of honor, aiming to protect the innocent and bring justice to the forgotten corners of the city while doing so he met many people who believed in him and he believed in them and together Uchiha Family bought joy the good people but restless nights to the people with ill intentions.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Roy's transformation was complete. By day, he was a philanthropic figure, engaging in charity work and supporting community initiatives. By night, he donned a mask of vengeance, leading his gang to enact retribution on those who perpetuated injustice and exploited the vulnerable.

Taking over the skies by his personal helicopter, following with hunter instincts and taking down enemy. His justice was hard to swallow for many as he was named a law breaker and he got a bad reputation and Roy didn't care because he knew the true face of his enemies which was unknown to others.

Roy's dual life posed a constant struggle, as he grappled with the darkness that now coursed through his veins. He questioned whether his actions were truly justifiable, and whether revenge was the answer to the pain he had witnessed and experienced. Through introspection and the support of his closest confidants, he sought a path of redemption and true reconciliation.

1. Roy can break anyone's body cam and smash them up with memory card.
2. Roy can keep a spyglass with him that can record 24/7.
3. Roy will Always have a hidden radio with him 24/7.
4. Roy can do 1v2 in any situation because he is highly trained and experienced person in guns and fighting skills.(He will show fear when will be needed)
5. Roy can kill someone if they talk bad or they hit Roy, he will give demands before engaging.
6.Roy can drive at mountains with off-roading or any other car due to his high experience in driving. (Will not do Non-RP Driving)
7. Roy can inject a special serum of truth to obtain information.
8. Roy can become a hostage if he is bribed.
9. Roy can recognize anyone with cloths and voice with his good and sharp memory.
10. Roy can inject a drug dose in which people will follow the commands given by him.
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