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Assasin Rich

Ex FIB Deputy Director | Ex SAHP UnderSheriff
Sep 16, 2022

Organization : GOV​

Name: Assasin Rich
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: india
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Brown
Hair color
: Black
Tattoos: none
Strengths: Shooter. Confident
: Anger issues

Life Story: Assasin belongs to a very poor family. Lavi is his father's name.His father was the chief of Gov and was a hard worker. He had a mansion, which was provided by the Gov . One day he went to a bar and saw some drunk people staring at a woman. His father could not help but stare because that woman was forced to do something against her will. He was all alone and there were 15 gangsters standing in front of him. Everyone in the club thought the gangsters would win because there were so many of them, all riled up. But they were all wrong. His father had a secret gun holder and took out a service revolver and shot the gangsters in the ass. His father rescued the woman and took her home. He later found out her name was Blaire and they fell in love, they married, and after nine months God sent a baby to them as a gift! After some years, Ivan father was attacked by another country's agency, and was kidnapped by a team of 40 members of that agency. They cut his father's fingers and they forced his father to leak the country's secrets, he did not and died for the country. Blaire was in full of tears, she immediately asked Lavi to fly to another country. If Lavi would not follow her demand then she would divorce him.

Career Story
: After a few years, Assasin grew up and was settled in America. His father Lavi knew everything how the Gov works, at that time the Gov was not doing good. That's why his father decided to run Gov , gods were so happy with his performances and past struggle that they offered him the LEADERSHIP. Everyone was so shocked, her mother was so proud of it. His father Lavi appointed Blaire as deputy Governor because his mother has a courage to do a lot for the San Andreas. Assasin joined police to protect his state and then he got offered to work as a detective. After 2 years of hard work, he was transferred to Gov his father Lavi was so happy. After Akio hard work, people demanded the Governor to make Assasin him Captain Of USS . Assasin had to follow the demands and he also genuinely wanted to. Assasin was so proud not because of him getting Captain because of his father's respect and mother's hard work.He joined GOV as COS.


1- Assassin can accept bribes and illegal ammunition from suspects and 10 15s. Also James can release friends or Family in transport while heading to the DOC and reduce sentence or remove stars . (Max 100,000$)(DarkNet function will be used to help escape).
2-Assassin can destroy people's bodycams. (using /try destroys bodycam of (10-15s Name) 2 tries per situation).
3-Assassin can reject to show id to anyone and can lie about calling a lawyer to 10-15 and process him.
4-Assassin can break city rule and go to ghetto or highway off duty and can kill people and rob them with faminly
5-Assassin can use XXX serial numbered guns on duty that he picketed from the ground, and sell them in black-market. (No Organizational Gear/Weaponry Will be sold on Black market).
6-Assassin can release his family members and Friends from the jail and can remove wanted stars.
7-Assassin thinks he is not safe off duty so he carries ID off-duty all the times as well as an organization issued radio to listen in to conversations when he is off-duty.
8-Assassin can search his suspect for illegal items and search their pocket for their passport ( Both searches can be done without asking for their perm but they will be
informed before the are searched and they should be standing still No RP rule break or PG Will be done ).
9-Assassin can use truth serum to get people to tell the truth. (Using /try max of 2 times each person per situation).
10- Assasin can sell/buy at blackmarket (No org Weapons)
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