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Vitto Opps

Apr 22, 2022

1. Your name IRL : Gabe

2. Your age: 25

3. Time zone: GMT-5

4. Average online per day: Weekday 6hrs- Weekend 13hrs

5. Your Discord: vitto33

6. Your Nickname: Vitto Oppz

7. Your ID: 33

Additional information

1. Leader of BLOODS

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

2.1: I would like the opportunity of being the leader of Bloods as I’ve been in this city for such a long time and been in multiple different gangs and a HC and helped lead small groups. I believe it’s time I take the next step and attempt to lead the entire gang to the best of my abilities.

2.2: I want to set a new record high when it comes to the gang activity in city at all hours of the day/night. I want to make sure Bloods is the most active gang this term with the most numbers and make it know that Bloods owns the ghetto.

2.3: I am confident on my ability to lead Bloods to the top. I have made great connections with countless members of this community and I’m positive together we will build the strongest gang this city has ever seen.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

3.1: I will make sure Bloods participates in as many Store Robbery’s and FZ Raids. I want to make sure that both the Legal and illegal organizations have plenty of RP Scenarios this term.

3.2: I will make sure there is always a HC in the city besides my self to make sure the gang is running smoothly and no one is breaking any rules.

3.3: I will have a strict joining/ Interview process for people joining the gang and make sure that whoever is joining Bloods this term knows the rules to avoid rule breaks/ warnings

3.4: There will be ZERO favoritism, Ranks will be given to those deserving of said rank. If you participate in Events, Help out the Gang, Are active you will be recognized and promoted for your work.

4. Goals for this Term

4.1: Attempt to have 100% Turf Control
4.2: Have the most active members
4.3: Finish strong with No Warning/ Strikes
4.4: Achieve Max profits every hour.

Zeke Landon

May 23, 2022

We are not looking for leader with the details you have provided currently. Feel free to try again in the future.
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