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Haydar Cabbar

Nov 16, 2022
Family Name: KONSEY
House Number: 471
Family Leader: Haydar Cabbarov | 11614
Leader's Discord: fookinfastt
Leaders forum account link: Haydar Cabbar

Family Background:

Cabbarov was thinking about how he could gain reputation in this city. At first he found a new family he could trust.
But nothing was easy for him, unfair payments and one man leading. But he had to stay there to gain some power and he needed to find people who can trust him.
Over time things progressed very badly. One big shock came Leader of his family. The family leader stole all family money and left the country.
Cabbarov found himself in a very bad situation. He understood one more time to not trust anyone except his 'brothers'.
Cabbarov and his 'brothers' wanted to find a way out of that situation.
They refused to join other families After some time they regrouped with old family members and started this new family...
They wanted to make some changes around the city. Because city were very disturbing and the this progress It was getting worse.
The KONSEY is coming to change this bad order...

Family Goals:

-To attend every Family War
-To be a family everyone loves.
-Turning family members to a real soldiers.
-Owning a business

Family Rules:

-Must follow server rules.
-Respect all family members.
-Dont Embarrass the Family Name
-Toxicity Not allowed


Family Ranking

9-BARON : Family Boss
8-KILIC : Deputy
7-KIRWE : Under Deputy
5-SUIKASTCI: Gang Member
4-SEFIR : Trusted Family Member/ Members who can help other family members about everything.
3-KATIL : soldiers of the family
2-Tebaa : People who depend on family decisions
1-Fasulye : New Member

Family Logo:

Family Outfit:
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Alp Boness

Nov 19, 2022
Family Name: KONSEY
House Number: 471
Family Leader: Haydar Cabbarov | 11614
Leader's Discord: fookinfastt
Leaders forum account link: Haydar Cabbar

Family Background:

Cabbarov was thinking about how he could gain reputation in this city. At first he found a new family he could trust.
But nothing was easy for him, unfair payments and one man leading. But he had to stay there to gain some power and he needed to find people who can trust him.
Over time things progressed very badly. One big shock came Leader of his family. The family leader stole all family money and left the country.
Cabbarov found himself in a very bad situation. He understood one more time to not trust anyone except his 'brothers'.
Cabbarov and his 'brothers' wanted to find a way out of that situation.
They refused to join other families After some time they regrouped with old family members and started this new family...
They wanted to make some changes around the city. Because city were very disturbing and the this progress It was getting worse.
The KONSEY is coming to change this bad order...

Family Goals:

-To attend every Family War
-To be a family everyone loves.
-Turning family members to a real soldiers.
-Owning a business

Family Rules:

-Must follow server rules.
-Respect all family members.
-Dont Embarrass the Family Name
-Toxicity Not allowed


Family Ranking

9-BARON : Family Boss
8-KILIC : Deputy
7-KIRWE : Under Deputy
5-SUIKASTCI: Gang Member
4-SEFIR : Trusted Family Member/ Members who can help other family members about everything.
3-KATIL : soldiers of the family
2-Tebaa : People who depend on family decisions
1-Fasulye : New Member

Family Logo:

Family Outfit:

Fstoq DeArcy

May 9, 2022

Increase your family activity and members + Find better logo and apply in the future.​
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