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Oct 25, 2022

Family Name: Bratva
Family Owner Name: Dogukan Gokce 31366
Family house Number: 106
Family Owner Forums link:Dogukan Gokce
Family Owner Discord: dogukangkce


The Bratva family, originating in Russia with centuries-old roots, is a notorious criminal organization known for its ruthless and loyal members. Led by Dogukan Gokce, they control vast territories in Eastern Europe, engaging in various illegal activities like arms trafficking, drug distribution, and extortion. Loyalty is paramount within the family, and betrayal leads to brutal consequences. They proudly uphold Russian traditions while also embracing elements of Turkish culture, even in foreign lands. Recently, the Bratva family expanded its operations to the bustling metropolis of Los Santos. With their signature brand of ruthlessness and cunning strategies, they're making their presence felt in the city's criminal underworld. They are swiftly acquiring businesses, building alliances, and expanding their influence.

1)Achieve a consistent spot in the top 10 family rankings.
2)Expand our family's influence into various businesses.
3)Secure control over the majority of territories within the city.
4)Establish our family as a formidable and respected force in the criminal underworld.
5)Attend and actively participate in all relevant events to strengthen our network and influence.

Family Rules:
1)Loyalty above all else; betrayal is not tolerated.
2)Respect all family members regardless of their role or status.
3)Attend family meetings and events regularly.
4)Contribute to the family's success and well-being through your skills and resources.
5)Adhere to all city rules and regulations without exception.

Family Ranks:
Rank 1: Rookie - Newly initiated family members.
Rank 2: Junior - Members who are still earning trust and proving their loyalty
Rank 3: Captain - Responsible for family business operations and well-versed in city rules.
Rank 4: Turfer - Active members capable of leading family turfs and events.
Rank 5: Manager - Deputies who support the family's leadership.
Rank 6: Bratva - Deputy leaders of the family.
Rank 7: Bratva - The Family's Leader.

Family Clothes:

Wortex Bright

Jul 7, 2022

Family Name: Bratva
Family Owner Name: Dogukan Gokce 31366
Family house Number: 106
Family Owner Forums link:Dogukan Gokce
Family Owner Discord: dogukangkce


The Bratva family, originating in Russia with centuries-old roots, is a notorious criminal organization known for its ruthless and loyal members. Led by Dogukan Gokce, they control vast territories in Eastern Europe, engaging in various illegal activities like arms trafficking, drug distribution, and extortion. Loyalty is paramount within the family, and betrayal leads to brutal consequences. They proudly uphold Russian traditions while also embracing elements of Turkish culture, even in foreign lands. Recently, the Bratva family expanded its operations to the bustling metropolis of Los Santos. With their signature brand of ruthlessness and cunning strategies, they're making their presence felt in the city's criminal underworld. They are swiftly acquiring businesses, building alliances, and expanding their influence.

1) İlk 10 aile sıralamasında tutarlı bir yer elde edin.
2) Ailemizin nüfuzunu çeşitli işlere genişletin.
3)Şehir içindeki bölgelerin çoğunluğu üzerinde güvenli kontrol.
4) Ailemizi yeraltı suç dünyasında zorlu ve saygın bir güç olarak kurun.
5) Ağımızı ve etkimizi güçlendirmek için ilgili tüm etkinliklere katılın ve aktif olarak katılın.

Aile kuralları:
1) Her şeyden önce sadakat; ihanete tahammül edilmez.
2) Rolleri veya statüleri ne olursa olsun tüm aile üyelerine saygı gösterin.
3) Düzenli olarak aile toplantılarına ve etkinliklerine katılın.
4) Becerileriniz ve kaynaklarınızla ailenizin başarısına ve refahına katkıda bulunun.
5) İstisnasız tüm şehir kurallarına ve düzenlemelerine uyun.

Aile Rütbeleri:
Derece 1: Çaylak - Yeni başlayan aile üyeleri.
Derece 2: Kıdemsiz - Hala güven kazanan ve sadakatini kanıtlayan üyeler
Rütbe 3: Kaptan - Aile şirketi operasyonlarından sorumludur ve şehir kuralları konusunda bilgilidir.
Derece 4: Turfer - Aile alanlarını ve etkinliklerini yönetme yeteneğine sahip aktif üyeler.
Rütbe 5: Yönetici - Ailenin liderliğini destekleyen milletvekilleri.
Derece 6: Bratva – Ailenin lider yardımcıları.
Rütbe 7: Bratva – Ailenin Lideri.

Aile Kıyafetleri:

Hassy Davids

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Jan 8, 2023
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