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Active Member
Leader of unofficial org
Dec 8, 2021

Family Name : Turco Grande​

House Number: 513​

Family Leader Name : Hugeboss Corloene​

Family Representative : Nuri Grande Discord: MNAtak#1501​

Family Leader ID : 80786​

Leader Discord: Hugeboss#9355​

Leaders forum account link : Hugeboss


The story has started 15 years ago in small, dirty and clammy room of orphanage in Turkey. A group of orphan was being bullied by a gang. They were tired of the persecution, so they decided to stop that. They organized the other orphans, and they fought with the gang. They were beaten and the persecution increased day by day. Nobody could stop that. They did not have a chance except to escape from there. After they escaped from the orphanage, they had to steal food; therefore, they have gone through a life of crime. Mean while, they became more and more connected to each other like brothers. With the time they grew up and became well versed in the streets. They got known by the Mafia. Because of their organized criminal activities they got spotted by the state as a organized crime group and all of them got deported from Turkey. The Mafia Leader needed International connections in United States at that time, so he arranged passports for the members of Turco Grande to get them a passage to US. Turco Grande was the name the group gave themself. They started a new chapter in Los Santos and got the trust of the Mafia Leader in Turkey.​

Current situation: Growing fast​

Family Goals:​

1. Be the most tight and brotherly connected family in the city.​

2. Own a lot of family businesses and personal businesses.​

3. Be well known and respected by other families and organizations.​

4. Have high quality members who are well trained and stick to rules.​

5. Have high influence in the city.​

Daily Activities :​

Doing a lot of construction work to keep the balance of the family and of every member working in the construction.​

Weapon traffic inside and outside the family.​

Do a family raid and participate in all events as much as possible.​

Make a party to relax with ally families.​

Search for new nontoxic members.​

Teach every member about the city rules and help them out to get well versed in the city.​

Doing some activities like convoys.​

Store robberies, Hostage situations, Robbing​

Family rules :​

1) Stick to server rules​

2) Respect all members​

3) Equality between every member​

4) Avoid unnecessary conflicts against other families or their members​


1)Dost: Meaning-Friend Needs to gain the trust of the family and show his activity. Has access to cars and family chat.​

2)Kardes: Meaning-Brother Has gained the trust of the family. Has access to family raidio. Sticks strictly to the rules of the family and the city. Is able to take part in operations where rules has to be followed.​

3) Kaptan: Meaning-Captain Is a special family member whose skills are proofed. Responsible for Duels, races... to increase the influence of the family in the city.​

4) Lider: Meaning-Leader Is a highly trusted member who is dedicated to the family and has good leadership skills and takes responsibilities. Responsible for everything lower ranks are responsible. In addition responsible for gun distribution. Responsible for recruiting and training.​

5) Kurucu: Co. Founder of the family. Representative for IC and OOC situations. - Nuri Grande ID:86723 Email: MNAtak#1501​

6) Boss: Owner of the family - Hugeboss Corloene ID: 80786 Email: Hugeboss#9355​



Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Reapply under Role play biography section.​
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