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Your ID
Players nickname
Vick Vinegar
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Feb 13, 2022
Time of violation
3:19 city

Vick Vinegar

Nov 14, 2021
I'm quite hesitant to post this as I'm not one to use the forums too often and rather take care of things icly. This being said.. I'm getting sick and tired of these families that do whatever they want with little to no repercussions. What i have here is a clip of the Brotherhood family RDMing one of my family members while I'm having a relatively peaceful talk to to one of what I'm assuming is a higher up. As you can see I'm talking to the person and my family member drake ocean was rdmed by a few members of the family. Not only did they participate in this action but not once tried to stop the person from breaking city rules. This family has also been harrassing us during events crowding our area just as the event starts and will not leave either after being told that it is not allowed. I still have to clip and highlight that footage. The reason i had this talk with the person is that i had been rdmed by them as well after investigating some shots that were fired from behind the hotel as we were doing our last tasks for hotel takeover. I had went back to check out what was going on and immediately got mag dumped by multiple members unfortunately i did not have my body cam rolling at that point and had gone to talk to them about the situation to handle it in the city as opposed to reporting it. After they decided to rdm by family member that's when i decided i have had enough.

You can even see the person i had been talking to scolding them in a foreign language in a green zone for not only interupting us but for commiting the rdm. Its high time players and other families start taking a stand against these families that dont follow city rules, do whatever they want and harass other players nonstop in a foreign tounge on a english speaking server.


Jan 29, 2022
I am also tired of brother hood, they think they are the shit, if your members can't follow the rules which means you did a bad job teaching them, might as well be disbanded tbh. Thank you for stepping in for us.

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021
Upon reviewing the evidence, I cannot conclude this report at this time.​
  • Please Provide ID 84363’s POV of the incident.​
  • You have 12 hours to respond.​

Any OFF TOPIC comment after this POST will result into Forum account Punishment.

Kay Pluxury

Jan 31, 2022
Upon reviewing the evidence, I cannot conclude this report at this time.​
  • Please Provide ID 84363’s POV of the incident.​
  • You have 12 hours to respond.​

Any OFF TOPIC comment after this POST will result into Forum account Punishment.
Hey Bobby


Brotherhood FAN
Feb 15, 2022
After watching this whole POV I would like to say something. First of all Vick Vinegar ID: 71568 is mixing because he's talking OOC without saying the abbreviation and you guys going the Brotherhood house with a lot of people and you still wondering why they are pointing gun at you? Don't you know what fear RP means, when someone points gun at you you just stay there and swear at them?

I wanna report them because of mixing, fear RP and insulting the family members.

He said "idiot family members" at 0:55, "fucking family" 1:09, screaming "shut the fuck up" 1:17 - imagine someone doing this in your house. My family members listened you enough, I would've killed you all there. He said "go fuck off, dip shit ass" too. I would literally clap this man if I was there. And he's talking about VDM, RDM even though only thing I see on this clip one of ur buddies getting killed after "go away" call?

Your friend told my family some bad words. And at the 1:58 you can hear my family saying "go away" and that is the demand. They don't have to count to 5 vocalically. And your buddy getting killed on 2:28 which is pretty normal and while your friend getting killed there you're screaming "omg!!" like Karen even though you should run and fear for your life. That's what "Fear RP" if i'm not wrong.

After your friend died you said "it doesn't matter if it's your house, you can't kill people for no reason" - yeah, there is a lot of reason since you sweared at my family and screamed at them. Shut your volume down next time.

And he said "I will revoke your unofficial status" like he's admin? How can he talk like this? Even though he didn't say OOC before first talking and everything. You're just user and all you can do is report us and we will give POV and the answers that required. You can't revoke shit, admins do that and I'm pretty sure they won't in this situtation because we can defend ourselves.

You are crying because our guys killed you guys in the Hotel Takeover. I'm saying it with full RESPECT - we don't know you guys and I didn't see you guys in ANY SINGLE EVENT. We weren't even playing hotel takeover and we just played like 4-5 times and this is the reaction we getting bruh.. Grow up kids. We've been thru this before, we developed another tactics, strats etc. Don't go to the same basement.

There's a lot of families going into events behind us and with us at the same time, we didnt cry about this. We developed another strats unlike you guys. Nobody cares about you guys and I'm saying this with a full RESPECT. Don't think every blue penguin pijama is one of us, just take ID's and go to the forum or come to our leader. Since he's streamer he cannot control over 600 people if you can think normally lol

@Admins you can watch the whole POV, our members told them "go away" and waited 20 seconds for them to leave that area and that area is our area.

We will not accept these statements because we opened whole new page to the server We have respect for the admins and all the other players but it's a GTA game at the end of the day and all of you bums will see us in number 1 spot one day and it's very close one. Bye haters.
Last edited:

Alex Pluxury

Nov 21, 2021
After watching this whole POV I would like to say something. First of all Vick Vinegar ID: 71568 is mixing because he's talking OOC without saying the abbreviation and you guys going the Brotherhood house with a lot of people and you still wondering why they are pointing gun at you? Don't you know what fear RP means, when someone points gun at you you just stay there and swear at them?

I wanna report them because of mixing, fear RP and insulting the family members.

He said "idiot family members" at 0:55, "fucking family" 1:09, screaming "shut the fuck up" 1:17 - imagine someone doing this in your house. My family members listened you enough, I would've killed you all there. He said "go fuck off, dip shit ass" too. I would literally clap this man if I was there. And he's talking about VDM, RDM even though only thing I see on this clip one of ur buddies getting killed after "go away" call?

Your friend told my family some bad words. And at the 1:58 you can hear my family saying "go away" and that is the demand. They don't have to count to 5 vocalically. And your buddy getting killed on 2:28 which is pretty normal and while your friend getting killed there you're screaming "omg!!" like Karen even though you should run and fear for your life. That's what "Fear RP" if i'm not wrong.

After your friend died you said "it doesn't matter if it's your house, you can't kill people for no reason" - yeah, there is a lot of reason since you sweared at my family and screamed at them. Shut your volume down next time.

And he said "I will revoke your unofficial status" like he's admin? How can he talk like this? Even though he didn't say OOC before first talking and everything. You're just user and all you can do is report us and we will give POV and the answers that required. You can't revoke shit, admins do that and I'm pretty sure they won't in this situtation because we can defend ourselves.

You are crying because our guys killed you guys in the Hotel Takeover. I'm saying it with full RESPECT - we don't know you guys and I didn't see you guys in ANY SINGLE EVENT. We weren't even playing hotel takeover and we just played like 4-5 times and this is the reaction we getting bruh.. Grow up kids. We've been thru this before, we developed another tactics, strats etc. Don't go to the same basement.

There's a lot of families going into events behind us and with us at the same time, we didnt cry about this. We developed another strats unlike you guys. Nobody cares about you guys and I'm saying this with a full RESPECT. Don't think every blue penguin pijama is one of us, just take ID's and go to the forum or come to our leader. Since he's streamer he cannot control over 600 people if you can think normally lol

@Admins you can watch the whole POV, our members told them "go away" and waited 20 seconds for them to leave that area and that area is our area.

We will not accept these statements because we opened whole new page to the server We have respect for the admins and all the other players but it's a GTA game at the end of the day and all of you bums will see us in number 1 spot one day and it's very close one. Bye haters.
Btw something to add on:
to Vick Vinegar: You guys have already reported the incident that happened so (At that time you should just wait for the admin's response) and not go to their family house and start provoking and threatening to revoke their unofficial !! Who are you to do that thing
+They are ready to provide the POV of somebody in your family breaking multiple rules in the same kind of situation but after a day and a couple of hours from your report.
The best solution, for now, is to wait for Bobby's answer to the report.

Vick Vinegar

Nov 14, 2021
Once I get home and on my pc I will upload his pov as well as he cannot due to his internet issues.

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021
Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Deny this report.​
  • Failed to amend the errors in the Given Time.​
  • But​
  • ID 71568 and 84363 will Receive a Punishment for Mixing.​
  • ID 122035 and 97578 will Receive a Punishment for FL in RP situations.​
  • For Penguin Syndicate Family:
  • Next time in These sort of situations if you are going to Speak OOCly, you need to announce it and let the people around you know and either Deal with the issue ICly between the 2 Family or Let the admins deal with it and Report it on the Forum with Evidence Specially Evidence from the Victim himself if you are far away from them since I cannot hear or see what happened between them.​
  • And for BrotherHood Family:
  • Do Not speak Foreign language in RP situations Unless everyone there agrees to it.​
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