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Rejected Brother X | Unofficial Organization Application

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prince mafiya

Jul 8, 2023
Family name : Brother X
Family founder : Shushant Maravillas | 3046
Family house no : 402
Family owner discord : princemafiya
Family owner forum link : prince mafiya

Family History:

Shushant, whose full name is shushant Maravillas. He grew up in a rough neighborhood known for lots of crime. He lived alone and he didn't have much money in his teenage life. But Shushant was friendly and knew how to handle things on the street, so he put together and joined a family. Where he made new friends who stuck with him and became his loyal partners in Crime.

In his young age, Shushant got a good friend named Vansh gujjar. Who was one of the most wanted criminal of Los santos. He and vansh started doing smuggling of drugs. But the one day some how the Police got a proof about their illegal business. One day FIB raided their house and arrested both of them. Both got prison term of 3 years.

When they both are in jail the family got disbanded by internal affairs and fights. When they both released from prison term shushant and vansh thinked to join a new family. Despite of prison term they continued the illegal business and make bigger by adding new and trusted members name Eve, Rudra, Yadav, Samar and Reaper. Now they are doing good and secretly but this time the family leader got arrested and they leaved family

Now, Shushant decided to make his own family. Shushant's all trusted members are like his brother so he named his family Brother X. They made an vast chain of illegal activities and now they terrified the street of ghetto. who will do wrong with him or his brothers he will seek vengeance for it.

Ranking System
  1. Newbie
  2. Rookie
  3. Gangster
  4. Hitman
  5. Businessman
  6. Turfer
  7. Mafia
  8. Right hand
  9. Under Boss
  10. Boss

  11. Family Rules:
    1. Respect Every Fam member
    2. Every member should listen to high command.
    3. Everyone must obey the city rules
    4. Everyone should attend the family event.
    5. It is mandatory to wear fam dress in event

    6. Family Goals:
      1. Be in the top 10
      2. Become richest family in the city
      3. Become the most respected family in the city

        Family Outfit:

        Family Logo

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