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Kevin Ford

Curator of LSPD
Server Administrator
Dec 17, 2022
Organization : lspd

Name : Kevin Ford
Gender : Male
Age : 23
Nationality : Arab
Place of Birth : Syria
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: Left and right hand , and on back , and head , neck
Strengths: Smart , Good driving skills , Good shooting skills , Have all Driving licenses
Weakness: Short fuse , Impatient

Life Story: 100+ Words

Randy Raman was born into a society that loves crime. But he did not like his condition. He was suffering a lot because of his addiction to cocaine and weed , and his addiction almost took his life. As he was arrested twice by the FIB. He was hospitalized to recover from addiction, and he did it. He decided to get out of this dirty swamp. He changed his name to Kevin Ford and joined the police, and he was as enthusiastic as any young man his age. He began fighting crime and criminals and began climbing the ranks until he reached the rank of Deputy Police Director

Career Story: 100+ Words

At the beginning of his joining, it was difficult for him to communicate with his colleagues in the police department because of his weak language, because English was not his primary language. He worked hard to learn the language. He made every effort to rise through the ranks because he had a goal, which was to punish every criminal outside the law, especially the residents of his old street. He was very violent in dealing with criminals, to the point of killing criminals or extracting confessions from them illegally. So many criminals died in his hands that he himself forgot how many there were. Later, he began to have an idea why he did not benefit from his position and rank personally. He began removing the names of those close to him from the list of people wanted by law, and then began accepting bribes in exchange for leaving the criminals. Eventually, Kevin came to the belief: A criminal is a criminal, even if he recovers for a while


1- Kevin Ford
can break and go against IC laws constantly and use his power within the LSPD to his advantage
2-Kevin Ford can use illeagle weapons that had XXX place serial code , and weapon thats bought it black market , also he can sell illeagle Guns (that not belong to LSPD)

3-Kevin Ford can accept bribes from suspects up to 100k

4- Kevin Ford can accept bribes to remove some one from Wanted list

5- Kevin Ford can break bodycams to keep him self safe (BY using /TRY /DO )(Max twice per situation )

6- Kevin Ford can lie about requesting a lawyer in department

7-Kevin Ford can refuse to show his ID

Kevin Ford

Curator of LSPD
Server Administrator
Dec 17, 2022
Close this forum incorrect format i will apply new one

Kevin Ford

Curator of LSPD
Server Administrator
Dec 17, 2022
Close this forum incorrect format i will apply new one
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