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Sujal Patel

Leader of Vagos
Dec 14, 2022
Organization: FIB

Name: Sujal Patel
Gender: Male
Age: 49
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: India
Sexuality: Straight
Eye colour: Dark Brown
Hair colour: Black
Tattoos: Yes
Strengths: leadership , Shooter
Weakness: Greed for money

Backstory : Sujal's life began in the unforgiving streets of Los Santos, where he was born into a destitute family struggling to make ends meet. Raised amidst the harsh realities of poverty, Sujal quickly learned to fend for himself. His early years were filled with hardship, and it wasn't long before he was drawn into the darker side of the city's underworld.

As a teenager : Sujal found himself lured into a local gang known for its involvement in various criminal activities. The allure of fast money and the promise of protection proved too tempting for a young man from his background. Sujal soon became a key member of the gang, engaging in illegal activities ranging from petty theft to drug trafficking. This life provided him with the financial stability he had never known, but it also exposed him to a world of danger and moral ambiguity.

As the years passed : Sujal became a seasoned criminal. His notoriety in the gang was surpassed only by his audacity and cunning. However, it was during this time that he began to see the corruption within the very fabric of the city he called home. He observed the connections between law enforcement, politics, and organized crime, and it left him with a sense of disillusionment. Sujal yearned for a way out, an opportunity to escape the endless cycle of crime and poverty. He knew that if he remained on the streets, his life was likely to end in violence or imprisonment. It was then that he hatched a daring plan – to join the Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB), the city's elite law enforcement agency.
His intention was twofold: to use his insider knowledge of the criminal world to climb the ranks quickly and to secure financial stability for himself and his struggling family. Sujal recognized that his path was fraught with danger, as he would need to maintain his criminal ties while pretending to uphold the law. Upon successfully infiltrating the FIB, Sujal adopted a dual identity. By day, he wore the badge of a dedicated federal agent, pursuing justice in the eyes of the law.
By night, he continued to walk the line of corruption, using his position to protect his former criminal associates and profit from their illegal activities. The balancing act was perilous, but it was the only path he saw toward financial security and the chance to lift his family out of poverty.

Sujal's story is one of conflicting loyalties, personal ambition, and the ever-present risk of exposure. He navigates the treacherous waters of Los Santos, striving to make his mark on the city while concealing his true intentions from those who would bring him down. His journey through the corridors of power and the depths of criminality is one that will test his mettle and ultimately determine the price he's willing to pay for a better life

1. Sujal an ask criminals to drop their weapons and items and keep them for himself or sell them in the black market. (Not FIB items)
2. Sujal can take bribes from anyone. lower sentences or remove them entirely from family/friends/strangers who are willing to pay for it (Max $100K)
3. Sujal can be a hostage for money. (100k maximum) and Sujal can kill people on/off duty if they don't comply with his demands. (without breaking GR 6.15)
4. Sujal can lie about a lawyer if he's available or not and Sujal can loot guns and ammo from downed people. (not when the situation is under fire)
5. Sujal can use a non-serial number gun , Cocain and drugs.
6. Sujal can do any kind of illegal activities only while off duty (Without breaking server rules and not fighting against Leos)
7. Sujal can reduce jail time sentences, remove a person off the wanted list or even let them walk free if he decides to (Only friends/family or someone paying me well) With Proper RP
8. Sujal is always connected to the FIB cloud via his PDA. (Need to Connect Only Once).
9. Sujal can destroy other's bodycams (with /try twice only) and can bribe gang members for snitch about information about his gang (using proper RP commands)
10. Sujal Can go to the ghetto (except gang HQs) to shoot/kill/rob people for fun or to save his friends. (will not Fight with the Leos)

Hassy Davids

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Jan 8, 2023
Bio Approved

Remember, you can still get punished ICLY.

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