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Tobi West

Aug 28, 2022
1. Pratham
2. 18
3. IST (Indian Standard Time)
4. 4-5 Hours (more on weekends)
5. tobiwest
6. Tobi West
7. 151903

Additional Information

1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

- I have worked in multiple legal organizations, I have lead various situations including store robberies and hostage situations successfully against gangs and families. I think my experience in other organizations will help me understand and cooperate with other organizations efficiently. I think as the Director of FIB I can implement many rules, regulations and strategies, I have also mentioned my point of view towards FIB which will help me to be a good leader for this organization.

- FIB is a law enforcing organization which requires requires each agent employed within it to be professional and disciplined. The agents who are interested in working as an employee must have specific skills and knowledge about how legal orgs function in different situations and environment. If this kind of professionalism and discipline is maintained in the organization it will also encourage other organizations, I think I will be able to implement this and make the organization even more professional. I have worked under the command of many directors and high commands and have been a high command myself as well. I have been on lower ranks and higher ranks, I think this allows me to understand the situations of many employees that join the organization and solve the problems they are facing. This will help create a better work environment within the organization which will help the organization run smoothly.

- I believe that the main responsibility of FIB is to collect evidences and initiate gang and family raids. I intend on completing the raid season as soon as possible while also doing black market raids and ghetto patrols time to time. Even after the end of raid season I intend in continuing doing the raids as we gather evidences in order to maintain the interest of the employees within the organization. This will also keep the gangs and families engaged and maintain their interest as well.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.

FIB is viewed as a very professional and disciplined organization and we conduct various operations within it. Other than the operations that are being conducted we will try to make the training system more professional, not only having legal organization knowledge will be enough but also maintaining the communication standards. I personally prefer to handle situations within the Role Play situation rather than going OOC. If any employee is facing a problem he/she can approach me or any of the other high commands for a solution. All that are interested to be a part of this organization will be welcomed if they have the required skill set and knowledge, ranks will be given based on the work and and no favoritism will be accepted. As I have mentioned earlier, I will make all organizations work in coordination with each other increasing respect of all organizations towards each other which I believe will improve the level of Role Play.

Carl Dior

Feb 24, 2022
1. Pratham
2. 18
3. IST (Indian Standard Time)
4. 4-5 Hours (more on weekends)
5. tobiwest
6. Tobi West
7. 151903

Additional Information

1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

- I have worked in multiple legal organizations, I have lead various situations including store robberies and hostage situations successfully against gangs and families. I think my experience in other organizations will help me understand and cooperate with other organizations efficiently. I think as the Director of FIB I can implement many rules, regulations and strategies, I have also mentioned my point of view towards FIB which will help me to be a good leader for this organization.

- FIB is a law enforcing organization which requires requires each agent employed within it to be professional and disciplined. The agents who are interested in working as an employee must have specific skills and knowledge about how legal orgs function in different situations and environment. If this kind of professionalism and discipline is maintained in the organization it will also encourage other organizations, I think I will be able to implement this and make the organization even more professional. I have worked under the command of many directors and high commands and have been a high command myself as well. I have been on lower ranks and higher ranks, I think this allows me to understand the situations of many employees that join the organization and solve the problems they are facing. This will help create a better work environment within the organization which will help the organization run smoothly.

- I believe that the main responsibility of FIB is to collect evidences and initiate gang and family raids. I intend on completing the raid season as soon as possible while also doing black market raids and ghetto patrols time to time. Even after the end of raid season I intend in continuing doing the raids as we gather evidences in order to maintain the interest of the employees within the organization. This will also keep the gangs and families engaged and maintain their interest as well.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.

FIB is viewed as a very professional and disciplined organization and we conduct various operations within it. Other than the operations that are being conducted we will try to make the training system more professional, not only having legal organization knowledge will be enough but also maintaining the communication standards. I personally prefer to handle situations within the Role Play situation rather than going OOC. If any employee is facing a problem he/she can approach me or any of the other high commands for a solution. All that are interested to be a part of this organization will be welcomed if they have the required skill set and knowledge, ranks will be given based on the work and and no favoritism will be accepted. As I have mentioned earlier, I will make all organizations work in coordination with each other increasing respect of all organizations towards each other which I believe will improve the level of Role Play.
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