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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Izzy Armani
Administrators nickname
Nov 1, 2023


Nov 1, 2023
I was going to the beach market with friends, and saw a big crowd of users that caught my attention, I went over to them and saw a Palestine flag which triggered me to say free Palestine but once I said it I realized what I have said could have been offensive. instantly people started to call for admins names, saying "are you going to do anything" indicating that they were all warned prior to me coming by the admins to calm down, which I had zero recollection of as I just arrived to the crowd. I was instantly banned for 14 days which had me shocked because I didn't know the severity of what I done as well as never receiving a warning for it as the others did in the crowd before I arrived. i sincerely apologies for what I have done, I've been banned for 14 days, and that is upsetting as I enjoy playing this game a lot. I know i might of upset the admins and i might have broke a rule for saying a statement to do with politics and i fully understand i deserve punishment for breaking rules but if you could understand my side of the story, im not asking for full clearance of my ban but if you could possibly reduce to 3 days or a mute, as i just arrived to the scene. thank you for hearing me out, and regardless of the decision you make thank you for your time

Lee Armani

Jul 25, 2022
I was going to the beach market with friends, and saw a big crowd of users that caught my attention, I went over to them and saw a Palestine flag which triggered me to say free Palestine but once I said it I realized what I have said could have been offensive. instantly people started to call for admins names, saying "are you going to do anything" indicating that they were all warned prior to me coming by the admins to calm down, which I had zero recollection of as I just arrived to the crowd. I was instantly banned for 14 days which had me shocked because I didn't know the severity of what I done as well as never receiving a warning for it as the others did in the crowd before I arrived. i sincerely apologies for what I have done, I've been banned for 14 days, and that is upsetting as I enjoy playing this game a lot. I know i might of upset the admins and i might have broke a rule for saying a statement to do with politics and i fully understand i deserve punishment for breaking rules but if you could understand my side of the story, im not asking for full clearance of my ban but if you could possibly reduce to 3 days or a mute, as i just arrived to the scene. thank you for hearing me out, and regardless of the decision you make thank you for your time
14 days is bit harsh and he only said 1 word but still he didn't know the rules and you guys should of giving him a warning instead of ban

Max Armani

Aug 26, 2023
Izzy Armani is fairly new to this city, and was mostly taught city/ghetto rules. He wasnt aware about speaking politics IC is against the rules. As his leader I want to apoligize, because I shouldve covered this when he first joined the family.. If admins could maybe see his side of the story, and maybe give him less of a ban or a mute we would greatly appreciate it.



Nov 1, 2023
Sahilde yaşanan olayları sakinleştirmek ve insanları güldürmek amacıyla siyasi konularla ilgisi olmayan bir ülkenin bayrağını açıp sağa sola koşarak komik hareketler yaptım. Siyasi provokasyon nedeniyle de yasaklandım. Aslında insanları sakinleştirmeye çalışırken aynısı başıma geldi.


Nov 1, 2023
The message above was the result of an incorrect copy in Google Translate, sorry, I wanted to write in English.

In order to calm down the events taking place on the beach and make people laugh, I unfurled the flag of a country unrelated to political issues and made funny movements by running left and right. I was also banned due to political provocation. Actually, while I was trying to calm people down, it happened to me.

Jonny Odds

Curator of FIB
Senior Administrator
Dec 7, 2022
From his POV he could not hear me. In my POV I was just saying the sentence "do not do any politics guys", followed by him screaming "Free Palestine".

I would agree with a ban reduction if approved by higher up administrator.
No need for discussion here.

James Pluxury

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
May 2, 2021
Fair punishment, we are out of politics​
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