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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Nuke Royalll
Administrators nickname
Federico Vautier
Nov 4, 2023

Nuke Royall

Oct 24, 2022
Hii Bobby,
I am writing this because this admin is constantly supporting leos and against the crime RP in multiple situation.

1. Supporting FIB by not punishing FIB deputy. In this situation player 2101 clearly did fear rp. This player when pointed by multiple people says we need 4 people to rob her. Its clear Fear RP. And also we said player 2101 not to talk she did it again I punched her and warned again not to talk she did again. That is clear Fear Rp and admins are supporting players that are ruining the RP.
--> Forum Link <--

2. In this forum leos didnt respond for a hostage situation for more than 20 mins. We decided to kill the hostage because we waited for 20 mins. Here Federico supports the leos not showing up to situation by saying the hostage is from sam efamily. He said leos droned and saw the hostage is from same family, Hostage was in a tinted car and is fully masked and not from our family. If its a Fake hostage situation Leos should deal it ICly idk why admins are involving and asking if we have a hostage and who it is. He also said one of our family member who is in leos leaked that the hostage is from same family, We are doing situaiton from Bloods so the only thing they should consider is it the hostage is from bloods. Leos have to respond and save the hostage even if its a family guy. They Clearly did MG and admin is supporting them by covering for them.
-- > Forum Link < --

3. In other situation we negotiatied for a free passage. I clearly mentioned "No barricades no spikes no engine blocking or chase " They agreed for this and when we are supposed to leave hostage leos said we will block your cars and kill you. We were trying to solve this ICly and Federico involved here and says they can kill and block our cars. That too in a rude tone. A admin has to explain us if we are making mistake or punish us, but this kind of behaviour is making us lose interest in crime side because we are always getting targetted by admins.
POVs for this situation are uploading will add them in 2 mins.

Nuke Royall

Oct 24, 2022
POVs supporting 3 rd point
Nego POV where they agreed for these demands
In this pov you can see a leo shoots at our leaving car even though we still have hostage. The leos also didnt ask us to surrender or gave us demands to surrender they just started

Nuke Royall

Oct 24, 2022
continuing above msg.
just started shooting at us.

And regarding the hostage situation, to be clear, We tried to do a do a fake hostage situation but somehow leos got to know its a fake situation. Federico Vautier in the forum said one of undisclosed leo said to leos that the hostage is from same family. The thing is there was no one as hostage with us.
Later we asked admins in tickects and they said leos are not coming because its a fake situation. Later we went into ghetto and got a hostage ( ID 10425 ). He is just some random guy we found in ghetto and leos decided thats my family member even though the hostage is inside a tinted car and has full mask with no way to recognise. The thing I dont understand is how are leos deciding gang members and hostage are in the same family? This statement means Leos recognised us (Gang members) and the hostage with our ID numbers. Even if the hostage is a random family member I guess leos have to save him.

Nuke Royall

Oct 24, 2022
Missed a point.
The whole POV I posted in the forum is just the second hostage situation. We got a hostage and leos didnt respond for 20mins untill admins check we have hostage and told them to come. If you want the POV of our Fake situation we can post that too.

Floki Vilgeroarson

New to this
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 19, 2021
Missed a point.
The whole POV I posted in the forum is just the second hostage situation. We got a hostage and leos didnt respond for 20mins untill admins check we have hostage and told them to come. If you want the POV of our Fake situation we can post that too.
Provide the pov of that situation also

Nuke Royall

Oct 24, 2022
I was busy irl and afk in game for most of this situation so here is a POV from one of us showing situation.
This pov is from middle after admin said that leos are not coming.

My complaint in that forum was about the second situation we did with a legit hostage but leos said he is from same family.
In first situation also one of us decided to act as hostage on her own will because she asked admins and admins said leos might know you guys dont have hostage. Realising leos wont respond we went and found a hostage from ghetto.

Nuke Royall

Oct 24, 2022
3150 went to clands and joined back in middle so the POV is from the middle of the sitaution.

Floki Vilgeroarson

New to this
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 19, 2021
ID 2101, will receive warn for fear rp
FIB will receive warn for Fail RP+Deputy breaking rules ( hostage situations )
Bloods will receive warn for Fail RP ( Using your own members as hostage is forbidden, No such thing like that is allowed)
Admins related to situation will be handled
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