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Jack Verlice

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Sep 16, 2023
Name : Jack Verlice
Gender : Male
Age : 19
Nationality : Sudanese
Place of Birth : Khartoum, Sudan
Sexuality : Straight
Eye color : Black
Hair color : White
Tattoos : Right Hand , Left Hand , Both of the Legs
Strengths : Driving, Combat, Quick Witted
Weakness : anger issues

Life Story:
Jack was born in Sudan, in a small village marked by the constant struggle against poverty. Growing up amidst pervasive corruption within various levels of society, from local officials to business leaders, Jack developed a deeply ingrained perspective on life.

Despite his intelligence and potential, breaking free from the cycle of poverty proved challenging for Jack. Frustration and bitterness fueled his ambition, leading him to resort to small-scale corrupt activities. Initially a means of survival, it soon became a way to secure a better future for himself and his family. However, as Jack tasted the power and wealth that corruption provided, his moral compass began to erode.

Climbing the social ladder, Jack became entangled in larger and more complex corruption schemes. The allure of luxury and influence blinded him to the consequences of his actions, and he justified his corruption by convincing himself that he was merely playing by the rules of a corrupt society. As Jack's corruption extended beyond financial gains, he manipulated those around him, betraying friends and allies to protect his own interests. The more corrupt he became, the more isolated he felt, surrounded by a web of deceit that threatened to collapse at any moment.

Career Story:
After serving time in prison, Jack decided to turn his life around by joining the military. Fueled by a strong sense of duty and a desire to serve his country, Jack's dedication and physical strength quickly garnered attention and earned him awards. During the formative months of his military career, Jack embraced values of discipline, teamwork, and resilience.

Remarkable leadership skills propelled Jack up the ranks, and he assumed increasing responsibilities within the military. His ability to remain calm under pressure and his dedication to the well-being of his unit earned him respect from both colleagues and superiors. However, Jack's past life has never truly left him; the constant temptation of bribes and the shadows of his previous actions linger, threatening to jeopardize the hard-earned respect and trust he's gained in the military.


1.Jack Can Accept Bribes from his suspects to let them go of custody. $100,000 Max.
2.Jack can kill anyone that could put jack or his job at risk.
3.Jack can smash and destroy bodycams (by using /try searches for bodycam and /do destroys it , 2 times per situation).
4.Jack can loot/take weapons from gang members and other criminals.
5.Jack can use XXX serial numbered guns that he picked from the ground and other illegal items on duty and sell them in the black market. (No Organizational weapons or gear will be sold on the Black market).
6.Jack can lie about lawyer or deny the right to a lawyer. (To ensure the 10-15 gets arrested or to force a bribe).
7.Jack can sell information to gangs and other family's ( $100.000 max )
8.Jack can break IC Laws and able to use his position in NG.
9.Jack can refuse to show his ID.
10.Jack can Attend his Family Events, Legal or Illegal.(Not going against LEOs).

Oghi Flann

Senior State
Senior Administrator
Nov 7, 2022

Incorrect format, reapply in 7days from this rejection.
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