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Jul 5, 2023
Family Name: O-BLOCK
Family owner: Faster Oblock ID: 40702
Family House Number: 262
Family Owner Forum Profile Link: DI4NESS OBLOCK
Family Owner Discord: DI4NESS#3127

Family logo :

Family Clothes:

Family ranks :
These are the new people's in the family. Who knows basic RP rules.
2-MEMBER : Succeed in training and help the family.
3-FRIEND : Started making friends with family and do small business.
4-VIP : Started to trust himself more and moved on to a big business.
5-OUTLOW : this is a person who is in a gang organization or a weapons dealer.
6-SHOTER : he helps the family and when he get gun he dont play.
7-CAPTAIN : They Are Special People Hired To Recruit New People And Look After Them.
8-UNDER DEPUTY: he is the one who manages the affairs of the adults and also the alliance with another family.
9-CO-LEADER : he controls the family when leader be absent.
10-LEADER : He Is The Leader Of The Family Who Owns and Runs It.

One day in Chicago, I and my friends were relatives of Chinwi and a Professor. We were with one of the big gangs and their treatment of us was bad. It was difficult to leave the gang because the leader would kill whoever left first. So my friends and I decided to go out to the beach early in the morning, leaving Shikaku. When we left, everything was fine. Suddenly, we ran out of fuel. We stayed in the sea for a week, with the wind pushing us. At the end, we arrived at one of the beaches of Los Santos. I saw my friends and they smiled and laughed except for me. When they arrived in the heart of the city, we did not know what to do. We started looking for work. In order to live, it was difficult to work. We saw a place where we went to eat. We got to know the owner. He was from Shikaku and he was one of the kindest people. Then I told him the story of the three of us. He told me, “As I saw here in Los Santos, there are many gangs. If you want a job, you will die.” I told him. We will form a gang and call it Oblock. Before my presentation, day after day the gang grew from stealing phones to stealing banks, expensive cars, and important people in countries, and the name Oblock spread throughout Los Santos. Our number was larger than the gang in Shikaku, and we decided to go and teach the leader of that gang. How does the gang deal with its friends now? Anyone in a gang is in your family. The news we heard when we arrived in Shikaku was that this leader died and no one knows the reason for his death. When his gang members saw me, they decided to join us, and this is how the name Oblock spread throughout the world.

Family Goals:
1-Becoming a top 10
2-Respect among all members
3-The important thing is that there are many and understanding people
4-Buy fast cars for family

Family rules:
: Always respect and listen to your high commands
2 : Any family car used must be returned with a full tank for the next person
3 : Use the family radio only at times of importance
4 : Family clothing must be worn in events or raids
5 :Always respect the city and family rules
6: Always respect Admins - Always follow server rules

Last edited:

Gojo ScarFace

Aug 20, 2023

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