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Lavi UchihaX

Red flag
Oct 17, 2023

1. Your name IRL
lakshya ahuja

2. Your age 17

3. Time zone:
GMT 5:30+

4. Average online per day:
5-6 hours

5. Your Discord :

6. Your Nickname
lavi uchihax

7. Your ID

Additional information

1. Leader of
... ..Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

• I have been a part of Many gangs in the past and have Gathered Plenty of experienced from past so I think I am prepared to Lead a Gang and finally take charge .

• Main Part of Running A gang is Lead Events Such as Clands, Robbery, Battelship and sometimes it's difficult to get Activity there I will try to make People come to the Event by Motivating Them .

• My Deputy and HC will always be active we will divide shifts as Marabunta Servers an important and respectful position from starting of server me and my guys will try as hard as we can to make Bunta proud Again.

• Money and bonuses Won't be a Problem as we will strengthen our relationship with other fam and gangs for Team up and Help so We can All Flourish.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1.Proper usage of commands /me,/try,/do

2. Joyfull Bonus System

3.Integrated Rank based systems

4.Merit Based systems for Promotion

5.Active Mates and support

Note : I have made mistakes in the past but I don't think I. Should get a punishment this side also I have plenty of experience as I passed that interview also , I request you to Review this Application and Give me a Chance To bring Back OG Bunta Days

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