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Harsh Alexander

Jun 10, 2022
1. Your name IRL -

Harsh Parmar
2. Your age -
3. Time zone -
4. Average online per day -
5. Your Discord -
Magic Parmar#8726
6. Your Nickname -
7. Your ID -

Additional information

1. Leader of... EMS
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

Ans. 2.1) My passion for healthcare and my expertise in medical practices align perfectly with the EMS I am dedicated to enhancing medical protocols, introducing innovative practices, and optimizing patient care, which I see as crucial for this EMS growth.

2.2) I know I have the confidence and the spirit to be a leader of EMS and lead a community toward a good lifestyle and fitness I can manage the people very well and I have great communication skills.

2.3) I have experience with the EMS for a long time. It been my first time in the organisation as a LAB assistant in 2021. Later on, I was appointed as a pharmacist and then in the MD department, then I left, after which I tried as an LEO. I feel like the EMS is the place, and last time I was the HOD of the Training Department, and I did very well in that term.

2.4) I can be a leader because I have a lot of experience in RP. I've been in a lot of organisations, but I believe that the EMS is right for me. I was there for a long time and have gained great experience as an EMS leader, and I believe that I can lead the EMS well and help citizens improve their lifestyle and well-being.

2.5) I have a good background with experience in EMS, following:
LABTECH as Pharmacist
MD as
AS as an ARO officer
HC as Dean of Training and Dean of MD ,Head of Training and MD
EMS Lawyer: I was an EMS lawyer in Abrash term to handle the legal side of EMS and protect the MEDICs rights.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

3.1 I will provide comprehensive training sessions focusing on real-life scenarios. These sessions will simulate real-world situations employees might encounter, emphasizing the chain of command in decision-making processes.

3.2We will regularly give bonuses and prizes such as "Employee of the Week" and the esteemed title of "Hero of the Medic" to medics who demonstrate exceptional dedication to the organization and skill in their duties.

3.3 I will try to implement a lot system in which the lobby is disbursed to a lot of medics, in which they are allowed to work at specific times normally, but in urgent situations, the medication can go on duty in the lobby. This system will help a regular shift of people to work efficiently and work on the personal development.

3.4 I increase that IC issues of Employees like Harassments and disrespectful behaviour of employees to be Handle properly by our IA department.

3.5) No favoritism towards any employee. No one will be Bias from HC team towards any Medic, and we will hire experince or Understandable Fresher only.

3.6) Recruitment dates and interview timing will be announced first before the recruitment drive starts which avoids people asking for recruitment in lobbies at PH and SH.
3.7) Now about HCs =
3.6.1.I will ensure that their will no toxic HC.

3.6.2.I will ensure that all the HC are certified with FTO and other Departments.

3.6.3.The HC will be from most experience and well driven from rules.

3.7) I will improve the Labtech Medical supplies by hiring more labtech employees to make medical supplies faster and the transport them quicker.

2.Chemist (Labtech)
3.Medical Scholar (Student in training)
4.Bio chemist (Labtech)
5.Intern medic (MD)
6.Emergency Responder (AS)
7.Junior EMT (AS)
8.Resident Medic (MD)
9.Pharmaceutical Specialist (Labtech)
10.EMT (AS)
11.Physician (MD)
12.Senior Pharmacist (Labtech)
13.Junior Paramedic (AS)
14.Junior Surgeon (MD)
15.Aero Rescue (AR)
16.Paramedic (AS)
17.Surgical Expert (MD)
18.Pharmaceutical Scientist (Labtech)
19.Assistant Medical Professor (FTO)
20.Traumatologist (AS)
21.Neurology Specialist(MD)
22.Medical Professor (FTO)
23.Senior Medical Professor (FTO)
24. Chief of PR & HR
25. Dean of Division (AS, MD, FTO, Labtech)
26. Head of Division (AS, MD, FTO, Labtech)
27. Division Chief (AS & MD, FTO, Labtech)
28. Chief of Medical Staff
29. Deputy Chief
30. EMS Chief
Thanks for Considering my application
Harsh Alexander

Ranveer Malhotra

Jan 22, 2022
He have Good experience in GTA, and as per me he takes good decision to, could be better for EMS Leader. All the Best


Sep 10, 2023
He can become a good leader of EMS and have much experience in EMS

Girish Gaitonde

EX Deputy Chief of EMS
Oct 28, 2022
He will be good leader he have good experience and good leadership qualities best of luck harsh ++


Former EMS Chief
Apr 14, 2022
If this guy becomes the Chief of EMS then please make sure to ban my account before doing so - 78185
I don't want to have an active account on a server where immature ladies with their CV's on Discord become the leader and burn their broke ass lives into making it a organisation which wouldn't sustain for 24 hours.
Anyways, Have a nice one.
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