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Feb 23, 2022
Family Name: 76ers
House Number: 397
Family Leader: John Iverson
Family Representatives: John Iverson, Les Iverson.
Family Leader's ID: 6071
Leader's Discord: Hoolay#5532
Leaders forum account link: jd1
Created first amongst equals, 76ers was founded in the mean streets of Philadelphia. Each founding member became notorious in the city, owning almost the largest drug and weapon trades being provided to the streets and other large gangs, quickly gaining money and respect. 76ers became the number one gang on the police wanted list being harassed and watched everyday. However there is no success without receiving hate so 76ers took it upon themselves to diminish all rival gangs from the areas they represented in Philadelphia leading them to become the largest and most notorious gang in the city.

The 76ers started to hear about police cracking down on all operations. This soon started to worry the higher ups and had them thinking about branching out to other cities. Les and John made the decision to move operations to the city of Los Santos, while having higher ups keep the main operation in Philadelphia up and running.

Once arriving in the city of Los Santos John and Les knew they had to find a place to set up. Driving down to the ghetto near the beach they knew this would be a good spot to start off. After buying a house they knew they had to find a new gun connect to supply their operations in Los Santos. Once settling in the new city 76ers started taking over turf and businesses to make them money. The 76ers have big plans for the city of Los Santos and are ready to face the rival gangs in the area. They know they have a lot of work and time to put in to make sure their new operations within Los Santos are successful.

Family Goals:
1. Recruit more family members
2. To dominate every family at events
3. Reach top 10 family's
4. Buy multiple family businesses
5. Start to become a wealthy family
6. Win Sphere Attacks / Defenses

Daily Activities:
Buying and reselling ammo and guns
Planting and collecting solar panels
House raids
Control of the territory

Family ranks:
Leader: Founder of the Family
OG: Advisors to the Founders and Generals of the daily operations.
Trapper: High command and helps the Generals with the daily operations.
Driller: Most trusted and respected members within the Family.
Shotta: Made a name for themselves within the Family and put the work in.
Runner: A recruit who has everything to prove to earn a full spot within the Family.

Family Rules
1.Treat everyone that's in the family with top tier respect
2. Follow city rules
3. Listen to high command
4. Attend every event when possible
5.Zero Tolerance for racism
6. Be positive
7. Don't steal
8. Have a family meeting every week to discuss what's happened throughout the week
9. Wear family clothes at every family event

Family Outfit:
Purple Star pants
Purple tops
Mainly Purple Star pants

Family Logo:
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Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Read the Pinned Forum Post by me in the Private ORG section, and Apply in the Correct section.​
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