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Elite Axel

A Citizen
Oct 9, 2022
1. Your name IRL- Deepjyot Singh Walia
2. Your age- 22
3. Time zone-
+5.30 GMT
4. Average online per day-
5-10 hours
5. Your Discord-
6. Your Nickname-
Elite AxeL
7. Your ID-

Additional information
1. Leader of...
San Andreas Highway Patrol (SAHP)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I am expressing my interest in the leadership role within SAHP, driven by my confidence in possessing the knowledge and experience necessary for effective guidance. My journey within the organization commenced from a rookie to high command position (undersheriff) , where I dedicated substantial time and effort. Throughout my journey in city till now I actively engaged with diverse facets of city organizations, navigating the complexities of both legal structures and gang dynamics. My experience extends from leadership roles to deputy and rookie positions, offering a comprehensive understanding of the organization's depth knowledge. I believe this multifaceted experience positions me as a capable leader for SAHP.

2. I've been around since the beginning of this community and have served in high commandIn evey org. My goal is to use my experience to make things better during my term. As a leader, I like being approachable and friendly, helping colleagues with rules, and dealing with issues to keep things running smoothly. I believe in leading by showing how it's done, treating everyone with respect, and sharing responsibilities to build a strong team. I'm dedicated to creating a positive and memorable environment where every member can use their skills and feel encouraged to contribute to our success.

3. I'm dedicated to giving new comers a effective and good-quality training on time. To appreciate outstanding efforts, I want to introduce a bonus system. My idea is to give daily bonuses, making sure our team gets regular financial rewards to keep them motivated. I believe in consistently recognizing and rewarding hard work to make our workplace a motivating and appreciative space for everyone.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
Building strong relationships is crucial for our organizational success. I make it a priority to nurture positive connections with state organizations, promote teamwork, and reduce conflicts to improve our overall performance. This collaborative approach not only enhances our roleplay dynamics but also creates a vibrant and positive atmosphere. Additionally, I understand the importance of fostering a familial bond within our own organization. By treating our team like family, learning from mistakes, and enjoying our time together, we aim to cultivate a thriving environment that contributes to our organizational success and provides an engaging work experience.
To expand our team, we'll focus on recruitment drives in different city time zones, ensuring coverage and diversity. Engaging with the community is essential, so we plan to organize public events and conduct surveys to understand their expectations and concerns. Using this valuable feedback, we'll tailor our approach and services to better meet the needs of the local population.


--- Rank Systm ---

30) Sheriff

29) Undersheriff
28) Assistant Sheriff
27) Chief of Staff
26) Marshal Handler
25) Head Of Department
24) Deputy Head of Department
23) US Marshal
22) Supervisor
21) Major
20) Commander
19) Lieutenant
18) Executive Sergeant
17) Sergeant
16) Master Corporal 3
15) Master Corporal 2
14) Master Corporal 1
13) Senior Corporal 3
12) Senior Corporal 2
11) Senior Corporal 1
10) Corporal 3
9) Corporal 2
8) Corporal 1
7) Senior Trooper 2
6) Senior Trooper 1
5) Trooper 2
4) Trooper 1
3) Trainee
2) LOA
1) Suspended

Thats, it Thank you for reviewing my application and giving time to read.

Best Regards,
Elite Axel

Past Experience,
NG General
Deputy of Gang

Lavi Pluxury

Bolero > G Wagon
Dec 1, 2022
You have been selected for the interview. Join waiting room 5 mins prior to the timings.
The interview has been scheduled on 29.12.23 at 15:00 ST.
For any reason, not making to the interview on time, will result in denial of your application.

Good luck and be prepared. For any doubt, feel free to get it cleared by us.
Lavi Pluxury- lavi.pluxury
John Spectre- alphaindia​
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