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- Jun 16, 2022
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Dragi Mazhore,Mujo,Abrahame.Hteo sam pitati da li će se ikada na ovom serveru pojaviti unban week.Dosta ljudi koji su ne pravedno dobili ban ili ne pravedno osudjeni ili okrivljeni za nešto dobili ban.Imam dosta drugara kojima su Glavni računi i Twink blokirani.Zeleo bi da pokrenem temu jer sada krecu prazniti server postoji već dve godine.Za tih dve godine dosta igrača je dobilo banove blackliste.Mislim da treba da se svima još jednom pruži šansa i da se svakome da prilika da igra opet na ovom projetku.Voleo bi da se svim igračima RS#1 pruži prilika da zaigraju na projektu.Realno gledano mislim da ima ljudi koji bi opet zaigrali i Roleplayali zajedno i pričali zezali se i ostalog.Nazalost sada je tog dosta malo jer uglavnom sada su ljudi koji kače i puno toksičnosti mislim da bi trebalo da se unbanaju ljudi i da se poveća komjuniti našem serveru.Verujem da bi skoro 2 put više bilo aktivno sa serveru ako bi se desio taj unbsn.I da bi bilo više RP takođe više ljudi po organizacijama.Bilo bi više State i crime.Iskreno svako je pravio greske na ovom serveru i na ostalim.Ali mislim da svako ume da gresi i da svakom treba da se pruzi prilika.A mislim da je trenutno dobra prilika zbog Novegodine,Božića.Nadam se da ima nade da se ovaj server još više oživi i da još više ljudi krene igrati i dase vrate da se vrati sa stare talačke kako su se pre radile na stare Podmornice kao sto je pre bilo ljudi i na ostalim sve tima i da ne nabrajam.
Dear Mazhor, Mujo, Abraham. I wanted to ask if there will ever be an unban week on this server. A lot of people who were not justly banned or not justly convicted or blamed for something got banned. I have a lot of friends who have Main Accounts and Twink blocked. I would like to start a topic because now the server is empty, it has been there for two years. In those two years, a lot of players got blacklisted bans. I think that everyone should be given another chance and that everyone should be given the opportunity to play again on this project .I would like all RS#1 players to be given the opportunity to play on the project. Realistically speaking, I think there are people who would play again and roleplay together and talk, joke and other things. and a lot of toxicity, I think people should be unbanned and the community to our server should be increased. I believe that there would be almost 2 times more active with the server if that unbsn happened. And there would be more RP also more people per organization. would be more State and crime. Honestly, everyone made mistakes on this server and on others. But I think that everyone can make mistakes and that everyone should be given an opportunity. And I think that right now is a good opportunity because of New Year, Christmas. I hope that there I hope that this server will revive even more and that even more people will start playing and that it will come back from the old hostage situation as it used to be done on the old submarines, as before there were people and all the other teams and not to mention.
Dear Mazhor, Mujo, Abraham. I wanted to ask if there will ever be an unban week on this server. A lot of people who were not justly banned or not justly convicted or blamed for something got banned. I have a lot of friends who have Main Accounts and Twink blocked. I would like to start a topic because now the server is empty, it has been there for two years. In those two years, a lot of players got blacklisted bans. I think that everyone should be given another chance and that everyone should be given the opportunity to play again on this project .I would like all RS#1 players to be given the opportunity to play on the project. Realistically speaking, I think there are people who would play again and roleplay together and talk, joke and other things. and a lot of toxicity, I think people should be unbanned and the community to our server should be increased. I believe that there would be almost 2 times more active with the server if that unbsn happened. And there would be more RP also more people per organization. would be more State and crime. Honestly, everyone made mistakes on this server and on others. But I think that everyone can make mistakes and that everyone should be given an opportunity. And I think that right now is a good opportunity because of New Year, Christmas. I hope that there I hope that this server will revive even more and that even more people will start playing and that it will come back from the old hostage situation as it used to be done on the old submarines, as before there were people and all the other teams and not to mention.