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Rejected Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol | Mad Pluxury

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Sharfin Federal

Leader of Federal INC
Leader of unofficial org
Aug 21, 2023

1. Your name IRL : Sudheer Vamsi
2. Your age : (19 IRL) (20 IC)
3. Time zone : GMT+ 05:30
4. Average online per day : 5-7 hours daily. ( ooc - from one week am not in city because of my internet issues now it's good . I will be in city for 5-7 hours daily)
5. Your Discord : _gyandinesh_
6. Your Nickname : Mad Pluxury
7. Your ID : 291905

Additional information :

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons)
2.1) i think am well experienced in (SAHP). I was Joined in (SAHP) As a cadet in Anderson Fade's Term. In that term i Worked Up to Trooper 3 for Two Weeks . And After I went to Join (LSPD) I was hired as Patrol officer 1 in Luna qnnn term and i gained some experience in Lspd for Two Weeks. And after completing Two in (LSPD) I went For Joining (FIB) In Ruby's Term as a Junior Agent. I worked for Three Weeks and i Got some Experience about All situations and I got promoted to senior Special Agent 3 By Doing hard work . After gaining all this experience i Joined (NG) as Specialist 1. I worked in (NG) for 2 weeks and i Left (NG) . And Actually I love To work in (SAHP) After Getting Experience in all Leo's i again went join (SAHP) in Willow Blossom Term . There i Got Hered back As Senior Corporal. By seeing my experience they give that rank . I worked hard for Two Weeks and I got still more experience. And i leave (SAHP) After Two weeks . I join (NG) in Spike Hill Term As Command Sergeant Major . I worked hard in Recruitment Representatives in(NG) . Spike Hill Gave Me (Deputy Head Of RR). DHOD OF RR . I have introduced new things to NG As a DHOD of RR and i was taking care of Department in the presence of My HOD . I worked hard for 3 weeks . And again I left (NG) after 3 weeks and Joined Back To (SAHP) Due to my HRT experience I was hired as Captain of HRT. I worked more hard and I got promoted to Deputy cheif of HRT. And I worked more hard and I became Cheif of HRT and I worked till the end of the term of Jay Jay lee . And after term ends I joined (LSPD) As Lieutenant of HRT (DHOD) .due to some ooc reason- internet problem so I left LSPD) now am back to city. In (SAHP) i have seen 4 leaders from past terms and I got know that . Am eligible to be a leader of (SAHP) .

2.2) so I think am eligible to Be a Leader of (SAHP) by Above my experience. I can Handle The (SAHP) As Leader . I can make peacefull Bonding With All Leo's in City . And I can maintain The Good Standards In (SAHP). I will be very Honest Trough the City rules and the and to the other Respected leaders. (SAHP) is One of the most Important Orgonization in the city . To Be a leader of This Important Orgonization is Greatest Golden Opportunity. I will make The Best as My Self As A leader. I love to Be a Leader of (SAHP).

2.3) As a leader of (SAHP) This my Responsibility to take a part of every situation . I am Proud to Be a leader of This specific Organization. And I think am eligible to Be a leader of Wonderful (SAHP)

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level In the Orgonization

3.1) Making Best And Peacefull Bonding Relationship between Other Co- Legal Orgonizations .to make a Friendly environment.

3.2) Ensuring that to hire More and enough Troopers from all of the time zones . And especially to avoid The Inactivity at Night Time.

3.3) ensuring to make the Communication skills between the co- Legal ORG'S . To make the outcome for All events.

3.3) making sure that the work environment is Good Fit to everyone .so everyone can commutable with each other .

Departments :

1. HRT-Human Resources and Training:
(HRT) is the most important Department in Every Org . they are Role models to all . They Can Give training and explain do's and don'ts. They can make the SAHP Active . And they can Hire people's.
Works of HRT-
1.1) Taking interviews
1.2) Hiring Troopers
1.3) Training Troopers
1.4) Taking A part in Promotion cermony
1.5) Making All Rosters and Paper works
1.6) Checking All Training videos
1.7) issuing roles . ETC

2. IA- Internal Affairs
IA- is the most Powerfull Department in Whole Legal ORG'S . This department Has a separate rules and if anyone breakes the rule they can punish Troopers and they can file a case.
Work of IA -
2.1) Giving Punishments like strikes/ verbal .
2.2) Searching Trunks of Troopers.
2.3) checking logs.
2.4) Mass Inspection
And more ETC works

3.UC- Under cover
UC- Is one of the best Department in Legal ORG'S . This is most Intelligent department. UC agent can bust anyone and can patrol without uniform .
Works of UC Department -
3.1)Busting People's.
3.2) Collecting Evidences.
And more ETC works .

4.Swat - Special weapons and Tactics
Swat is one of the department in all legal orgs and . This department work is to Attend every events . And giving support to other legal orgs . While any situations.
Works of Swat-
4.1) Attending in all events like Store Robbery/ hostage situation/ NG Raids/ Ghetto patrolling / Golobals / locals. And ETC

5. HWP- Highway Patrol
HWP is the most important Department in all legal orgs and this department look after the citizens who are driving recleclessly and towing and giving fines.
Work of HWP-
5.1) Issuing Fines
5.2) Towing vehicles
5.3) checkpoints
5.4) Golobals.
5.5) Ghetto patrolling

6. PR- Public relations
PR is the most important Department in Legal ORG'S .
Works of PR-
6.1) This department will mostly focus on bringing The Best Events for the Citizens .
6.2) they will focus fun and Best. Rewarding events .

Ranking system :-
4.Trooper 1
5.Trooper 2
6.Trooper 3
7.Senior Trooper 1
8. Senior Trooper 2
9. Senior Trooper 3
10.Master Trooper 1
11.Master Trooper 2
12. Master Trooper 3

-------------Senior Section--------------
13.Lance corporal
15.Senior Corporal
16. Sergeant
17. Sergeant Major
18.Sector Supervisor
20. Senior Supervisor

-----------High Command --------------

21.Lieutnant (Department HC)
22.Captain (Department HC)
23.US Marshal (Overall HC)

24.Deputy Cheif of Department
25. Cheif of Department
26. Cheif of Staff
28.Assistant Sheriff
30. Sheriff

1. ????
------------------------------------------ -
Captain of HRT (23) - Jay jay lee Term
Deputy Chief Of HRT (26) - Jay jay lee Term
Cheif of HRT (27) - Jay jay Lee term
Feild Training Officer of HRT (20) - HC Of HRT - William Robbinson Term

Watch commander of HRT (24)- wiilliam Robbinson Term

Lieutnant of HRT (DHOD) (26) William Robbinson Term
NG :-
Command sergeant major (20) Spike Hill Term
2nd lieutnant (DHOD OF RR) (21)- spike hill term
1st lieutnant (DHOD OF RR) (22) Spike Hill Term

Captain (DHOD OF RR) (23) spike hill term
SS3 - JR HRT - Ruby hill Term
This Is my Highcommand Experience in all Legal Orgonizations.

I thank My Curators for Giving me this Greates Golden Opportunity. Thank you for your time reading and considering Application.

Thank you Sooo much.

Best Regards,
Mad Pluxury.
He will be perfect +++

Steph Silverburn

Ex-LSPD Chief, SAHP Curator
Feb 19, 2022

Please gain more experience in the city and re-apply at a later date.
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