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Approved PG & RDM and kicking out of the org without reason, insulting in the chat / ID : 5416 - 13348 - 2155 - 7633 - 8613 - 11181 - 6253

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Lakamora Error
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Date of violation
Feb 28, 2022
Time of violation

Lakamora Error

Feb 19, 2022
The Scene : I was in the beach market off the green zone chilling in the beach with my friend with ( ID : 942 ) then we saw 2 marabunta cars, the gang I am part of it. They drop 2 guys not part of the gang from the gang cars. And they came straight to me holding guns once I saw then I was relaxed bcs we are in the city and they can do nothing ( like shooting or kidnaping... ) and also they were with my gang members then they can't betrayed me by killing me, a minute before I saw all of them around me the marabunta gang members and the two strangers all of them aiming the guns on me they killed and they killed my friend with the ( ID : 942 ). I was mad about the car that they stole and about the gang that I trust betrayed by braking the rules of the city. What I need is my right bcs all of them broke the rules and also the others.
The plan was they were splitted into two teams ( team 1 : the guys of the marabunta gang ) and ( team 2 : the guys out of the marabunta but in contact with them ) the 1st team killed the ID : 942 and the 2nd team killed me, and then the gang insulted and kicked me bcs of the text I wrote ( the text : I will report the gang ).

Papi Halo

Jun 14, 2021
Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report
They came as family and gave you demands
you kept playing music instead of paying attention the people who came to steal your car.

ID 3265 will receive a punishment for General Rule 3.1

You were using OOC chat to insult the person OOCly.
Insulting of the person (OOC) is strictly prohibited
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