This complaint was made after reviewing all the rules one by one. Everything is clearly visible from the viewpoint. First, I look at the general message from Club Chat. They call out to me as they land the helicopter, so I get off the helicopter and walk towards them. ID:12140 is dead on the ground and ID:48582 is insulting his family (mother) in Turkish. ID:48582 says, "He went to sing the National Anthem with his mother". They are making fun of the real-life National Anthem of the Republic of Turkey. That says something about it. I keep my silence and calm because I think the managers are watching. And since he has a gun in his hand, I continue my role by doing whatever he says. Then things get even more out of control and they proceed along the street, opening fire on every vehicle, killing everyone. I will continue my role and remain silent so that they do not shoot me. After everyone is killed, one of them kills me. Even though I am dead, they make fun of me, they constantly punch, kick and hit me.
Turksh Admin look Please.
Turksh Admin look Please.