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Rejected Government Corrupt Bio | Krish Naidu | 860

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Krish Naidu

Sep 4, 2022
Organization: Government

Name: Krish Naidu
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: Los Santos
Sexuality: Straight
Eye colour: black
Hair colour: black
Tattoos: hand
Strengths: Fast Learner
Weakness: None

Name: Krish Naidu Background: Krish Naidu's life took a dark turn when he became involved in a criminal gang. The turning point came when tragedy struck, and his close friends fell victim to the same violent world they were part of.

Criminal Past: Krish decided to leave the gang after losing his friends, driven by grief and guilt. Determined to seek revenge against the gangs responsible for their deaths, he opted for a different approach—justice through law enforcement.

Corrupt Bio: Krish created a fake corrupt identity to infiltrate criminal organizations. This cover allowed him to gain the trust of criminals while secretly working to dismantle the gangs from within.

Transformation and Justice: Krish's undercover operation exposed criminal networks and shed light on systemic flaws. Despite his fabricated corrupt persona, he remained committed to the principles of justice, working to protect the community from organized crime.

Legacy of Justice: Krish Naidu's story is one of personal transformation and a mission to seek justice for his fallen friends. Through unconventional means, he has become a force against crime, driven by duty and a desire to prevent others from facing the same fate.

  1. Krish can use illegal weapons and drugs both on duty and off duty (including painted weapons).
  2. Krish can do illegal stuff with family or friends such as robbing/killing, etc., and break city rules(IC rules only) within a secluded area or ghetto (can't go against law enforcement officers).
  3. Krish can sell/buy illegal weapons and drugs from the Black Market (off-duty).
  4. Krish can take any task from the darknet and take bribes (up to 100k).
  5. Krish can deny lawyers to 10-15 or say no to showing ID to protect him.
  6. Krish can torture/interrogate people With RP commands
  7. Krish can break the bodycam (try searching for the bodycam and break it). (/try to find it) (/do to destroy it) (only twice per situation)
  8. Krish can lie about information pertaining to himself to protect his image.
  9. Krish can acquire guns from 10-15s instead of confiscating them
  10. Krish can use truth serum on People to gain evidence. ( /try (twice per situation)
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