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Ginni Bhai

Dec 27, 2023
Name: Ginniii Bhai
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: Los Santos
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Pink
Tattoos: On Both Legs
Strengths: Getting to know people and being patient
Weakness: Not being able to explain yourself

Career Ginniii's life was very turbulent, he was betrayed and betrayed many times, but at the end of the job, he entered one of the gangs, but with the dissolution of the gang, he became a policeman, but the fact that his friends were in the gang was a great advantage for him. When he started to save him from arrest, he realised that he was living exactly the life he wanted and he wanted to enter the ghetto, he took off his uniform and had a lot of fun with his friends in the ghetto he entered and robbed the man, now he was living the life he wanted, but the fact that there were many gangs and many police officers noticed him was reducing his power, but he silenced them with money.

  1. Ginniii may refuse to show his ID
  2. Ginniii can engage in any criminal activities/break state laws while on or off duty.
  3. Ginniii may take bribes (up to 100k).
  4. Ginniii can lie about requesting a lawyer to a 10-15 and instead process them, as well as not show her ID to conceal her identity.
  5. Ginniii always has her bodycam in her balaclava or normal mask recording the last ten minutes to the SAHP cloud (using /try command).
6. Ginniii when arresting/letting go a suspect is able to take all legal/illegal weapons instead of confiscating them. 7- Ginniii is able to sell/buy legal/illegal weapons and/or items from others or the blackmarket as well as sell classified information. (not org weapons)

7.Ginniii can arrest someone for fake charges/capture them if she severely dislikes them, or for revenge. (within sufficient RP reasons, and nothing too severe)
8. Ginniii can give out police information to his friends and he might take a bribe for it (100k max
9.Ginniii can Confiscate Illegal items off His 10-15s after an active shootout and can keep the illegal items and reuse them while on duty.
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