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Destiny Broddy

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Nov 3, 2023
Organisation: EMS
Name: Destiny Wickk
Gender: Female
Male IC Age: 29
Nationality: English
Place of Birth: Devon
Sexuality: Female
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Black
Tattoos: Back
Strengths: Smart, Calm under stressful situations and Efficient
Weakness: Does not believe others easily

Life Story: Destiny Wickk is a renowned medical doctor in EMS. Destiny started life in Devon, England where she was born to her not so wealthy parents. In Destiny’s childhood her parents did not have much money and so she resorted to stealing and causing chaos among the citizens of Devon but one day she found that she had a incredibly ability at being a medic and she finally realised her dreams of becoming a world renowned neurosurgeon and so she started her journey in a world renowned medical and through hard work and studying she made her way to the top and finally graduated medical school and decided to pursue her career in the medical field and after working for a few years in the hospital she finally got the honour to join the prestigious EMS in Los Santos and so she left Devon to pursue her dreams of becoming a Neurosurgeon.

Carrier Story: During Destiny’s time in EMS she started at just a lowly medical student who started to work her way up and over time as she learnt more medical procedures she finally passed her training and became a Intern and then through tedious and hard work she got through rank by rank until she reached Junior Surgeon and was finally allowed to give out adrenaline shots at events such as bank and ACC. At this point Destiny was getting bored of the same old thing everyday and that's when she thought back to her childhood and remembered her evil and illegal past and so with this impression she decided to change her life and so while working a nice and peaceful life on the outside but when not on duty she would partake in multiple illegal activities.

1- Be able to do any kind of illegal activities only while OFF DUTY (Must still follow server rules).

Ruby Specter

We Get What We Deserve
Senior Administrator
Sep 1, 2022

All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC !!
Enjoy your bio and do not break any server rules.

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