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Miguel Oliveira
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Mar 4, 2022

Miguel Oliveira

Jul 19, 2021
Hello Mazhor,

First of all, I would like to thank you for reading my post.
Around 3 weeks ago, when the new PT server opened, there was a huge ammount of players that were in GOV organization were being blocked because of general rule 6.3 "It is forbidden to empty the warehouse of the organisation for personal purposes."

I was one of the members that had some stuff from warehouse in my house.
At the time, I explained that I didn't sell any of the stuff I took and I was simply keeping the stuff with me because it was faster to respond to events and stuff.

Anyways, when the players started to get blocked, most of the members of the GOV went straight to the org warehouse and returned all the items (there were a few that were already out of the org and admins asked them to drop the items on the floor).
I was one of the players that returned all the items to the org warehouse (this can be confirmed in logs) but, by mistake, I was wearing a balaclava when I was returning the items and because of this I never manage to return the mask.

Yesterday, I got permanent blocked because of rule 6.3 and when I talked to Murder Swayze (the admin that blocked me) he told me that I got banned because I had the balaclava and some AR ammo from GOV with me.

Regarding the balaclava, as I said before (and I'm not trying to say this is admins fault as I know this is my own mistake) I completely forgot about the mask but I wasn't even trying to sell it or using it, I didnt deliver it because I didnt realize I was wearing it when I returned the items.
Regarding the AR ammo, I have no way to prove if the ammo were mine or from GOV (I assume admins did their work and got to the conclusion it was from GOV), thing is, there were sometimes that I had to use my own personal ammo in GOV events and I just kept all the ammo stacked on the same place. Again, I know this is my fault but I'm just trying to show you guys that I never had any intentions of getting any personal advantage or selling this ammo nor the balaclava to other players.

Finally, as said before, I know this is my own fault but I also hope that you guys can understand my explanation.
I think it's pretty obvious that I never had the intention to break any rule or getting any personal advantage, specially because I returned all the items I had with me (the ones I knew about) when the first blocks were being given 3 weeks ago.
I'm not sure if this can help or not, but I've also been playing on the English server for a long time aswell and I never broke any of the server rules nor got blocked, and I truly hope you guys could give me another chance to enjoy the PT server and to help the community to grow.

Thanks for your time once again.

Miguel Oliveira


Feb 3, 2022
" I was one of the members that had some stuff from warehouse in my house.
At the time, I explained that I didn't sell any of the stuff I took and I was simply keeping the stuff with me because it was faster to respond to events and stuff. " 🤣


Jul 20, 2021
" I was one of the members that had some stuff from warehouse in my house.
At the time, I explained that I didn't sell any of the stuff I took and I was simply keeping the stuff with me because it was faster to respond to events and stuff. " 🤣
When you're admin, decide, now as you're a simple player like me, it comes down to your insignificance

Good game.


Feb 3, 2022
I wanna apologize for mocking that phrase of yours, I personally just found it funny and I was unaware who you were, since a lot of people came up to me, telling me I shouldn't be laughing at someone that's requesting a ban appeal, I realized that you are indeed a great player. Unfortunately, I cannot delete my reply, and I really hope you get unbanned.

I just find it really unfair how someone that has "org" materials in their home is bannable, but CarRamming / NoFear / CopBaiting / EarRape / FailRP only gets you 120m Demorgan...

Once again, I wanna apologize for mocking you, I wasn't aware who you were, and now I am aware you deserve a chance.
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