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Samu Kaito
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Jackson Clark
May 6, 2023


Jun 7, 2023
Hello Mazhor

Reason why im banned:
First i hope you have or had a nice Vacation . I got banned about 9 months ago for 2x Cheating and i know its not appealbel but i never cheated only 1 time with trails. It happend like that with my first ban i was in the ghetto with my friend and i got killed after that i wateched youtube and was fyling in the air and i did a admin ticket and the Admin Max Hellinger helped me but i got finished. After i was in the MD i did a admin ticket saying my cheats didint work bc i thought hes gonne laugh bc i thought its gonne be funny but i got banned for Cheating. So i did a Pc Check 1 day after what vincent told me and i got unbanned. 2 Months later i had Trails and reported a admina bc of admin abuse and fucked my self 2 times and got 2x Cheating.

So i know you hate cheaters because they destroy youre Server i also dont like Cheaters and never cheatet with Script or in any game bc i dont like to cheat and destroy the Game to others. For you its only a appeal you get every day but for me grand DE1 is my first ever RP Server where i started playing with my homies and i cant play with them anymore so i beg to you give me a chance i would even live with a 60 day ban and wait but pls mazhor give me a chance to play with my friends again.

Here are the POVs and the Appeal:
, RАGЕ Multiрlауer 2023-05-06 17-55-50 - Trim, Reviewed - Unban appeal | Cheating @Vincent, @Mazhor

Memo Legacy

Jan 3, 2024
Hello Mazhor

Reason why im banned:
First i hope you have or had a nice Vacation . I got banned about 9 months ago for 2x Cheating and i know its not appealbel but i never cheated only 1 time with trails. It happend like that with my first ban i was in the ghetto with my friend and i got killed after that i wateched youtube and was fyling in the air and i did a admin ticket and the Admin Max Hellinger helped me but i got finished. After i was in the MD i did a admin ticket saying my cheats didint work bc i thought hes gonne laugh bc i thought its gonne be funny but i got banned for Cheating. So i did a Pc Check 1 day after what vincent told me and i got unbanned. 2 Months later i had Trails and reported a admina bc of admin abuse and fucked my self 2 times and got 2x Cheating.

So i know you hate cheaters because they destroy youre Server i also dont like Cheaters and never cheatet with Script or in any game bc i dont like to cheat and destroy the Game to others. For you its only a appeal you get every day but for me grand DE1 is my first ever RP Server where i started playing with my homies and i cant play with them anymore so i beg to you give me a chance i would even live with a 60 day ban and wait but pls mazhor give me a chance to play with my friends again.

Here are the POVs and the Appeal:
, RАGЕ Multiрlауer 2023-05-06 17-55-50 - Trim, Reviewed - Unban appeal | Cheating @Vincent, @Mazhor
Ich liebe diesen Jungen. (Für Brawlstars)


Jun 7, 2023
Daher das der Antrag nun an den Chief geht bzw. neuen Chief möchte ich nochmal dazu äußern. Ich spiele seid meinem Bann aktiv auf de3 und hatte dort 2 pc Checks die beide negativ waren auch wenn de3 hvh mittlerweile ist habe ich noch nie gecheatet zudem habe ich mit verboten reduxen und erlaubten außeinander gesetzt und weiß was legal und illegal ist und falls ich mir unsicher bin habe ich immer einen admin gefragt. Zudem verspreche ich euch das ich mich geändert habe und deutlich reifer geworden bin und nicht mehr so ein kindischen Verhalten habe.

und nochmals es tut mir sehr leid für mein Verhalten und unnötige Arbeit durch mein damaliges kindisches Verhalten und ich würde mich sehr freuen ein Teil von de1 zu sein weil es mein 1 rp server und alle meine alten freunde dort sind.

lg Samuel
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