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Captain Zero

Apr 18, 2023
Name: Joey Marsh
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Race: Brown
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Place of Birth: Dhaka
Sexuality: Straight
Weight: 60 kg
Height: 5.8 FT
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: No
Strengths: maintains a calm demeanor in challenging situations, has a knack for quickly forming friendships, and excels at gathering information effectively.
Weakness: Impatient
Life Story

Early Life
Joey Marsh is a tough guy who didn't let hard times stop him when he was growing up in a little town. He learned a lot about different things, like computers and art, which got him really excited about making new stuff. He was super good at computer science and got a great job because of it. But Joey's not just about himself; he also likes to help out others. Even when things get tough, he keeps going, using his big dreams and caring heart to make a real difference in the world.

Joey Marsh stands as a courageous figure in the heart of Los Santos. As a dedicated officer with the LSPD, he ensures the city remains safe and just. Not content with just one role, Joey also serves in the prestigious GOV Department of Justice, unraveling complex cases and bringing justice to light. His influence extends to high-ranking government circles, where he helps shape the city's future. Additionally, Joey's strategic acumen is put to use in the SAHP, safeguarding the highways of San Andreas. In the ongoing battle against organized crime, Joey leads the charge against notorious gangs like the Ballas and the Bloods. With his boldness and intelligence, Joey Marsh is a pivotal figure in the ongoing saga of Los Santos

1. Joey has good driving skills so he can off-road in appropriate vehicles. (Will not do Non-RP Driving)
2. Joey also has a 24/7 bodycam due to his cybernetic eye's recording and uploading to his cloud at all times but he has to turn it on every morning. (Will use RP command to turn on)
3. Joey can inject a special serum of truth to obtain information. (Only with /try twice per situation)
4. Joey can break anyone's body cam and smash them up with a memory card. (will use /try to find the bodycam (Twice per situation) and /do to destroy it)
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